
Well Known Member
Hi all,
Well i officially have a flying airplane. N59TP took to the air today for the first time. What an incredible experience. The plane flew well hands off and has no issues except for being about a "half ball" out of trim. Many thanks to many people but especially to my wife who has unselfishly supported me for the six and one-half year build. Also thanks to Paul Rose who was my build partner and who finished his 9A about three weeks ago. What a great flying airplane. Almost like soloing all over again. I'm still high. Tim

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let the grins begin

Congratulations Tim, and nice to have another RV grinning fool at the airport.
Bill McLean
RV-4 Slider
Congrats to both you and Paul.

We'll have an Alabama Squadron any day now.

Again Tim.

This is a great 8A!!! I flew "chase" in my 9A and did have a little trouble keeping up!!! In case anyone doesn't know, it's hard to pick out an unpainted airplane in the AL haze.

What was quite amazing to me was the sight from slightly above him while circling the airport. I had a view with the ground as a back drop and it's the first time I guess I had ever seen just how fast these planes are with a back drop behind them to judge from.

Good job Tim. Looking forward to getting the 40 flown off of both of them so we can go see DanH and organize this squadron!!!!