
Well Known Member
Darn he hasn?t driven a rivet, turned a bolt wired or rewired anything in a couple of weeks now. I know he?s been at the airport I have seen him flying that ?other? plane, that L2. I sure hope he keeps flying it for awhile before he puts his butt in my seat pan. Oh **** he?s walking this way and he has his flight bag with him, could it mean what I think it does. What?s he doing now he?s looking me over pretty good something is up for sure. He?s pulling me out of the hanger. It?s a little cool this morning. It looks like his wife is waiting in the car she looks a little worried. Why is she worried heck it?s me he?s going to get in and take up in the air. Yep it looks like it?s time to kick the tires and light the fires. Well the engine cranked and it?s running pretty smooth. I have good oil pressure and the temps look good darn we might just actually be going to do this. Were moving he?s taking the taxi way to 31. He?s stopping he?s changed his mind, nope just doing his run up. Well the run up went well no surprises there engine sounds and feels good. What?s he doing now who?s he talking to, no he?s not talking he?s praying good idea. Well we are lined up on the centerline now last minute checks done. He sure is holding my yoke pretty tight. Ok he?s pushing the throttle in it?s to the firewall hey I?m pretty fast 200 ft and I?m getting pretty light on my wheels. Oh **** we are off the ground and climbing fast I sure hope he knows what he is doing. We are turning down wind at 700 feet and still climbing and gaining even more speed darn I?m fast. I guess he has figured out by now he isn?t in his old 172. He?s turning base he?s going to wish he had stretched that downwind out a little more. Yep turning final and I can tell right now we are going around this time. Yep here we go again. I think he?s going to like me when he relaxes a bit. Well he has me on final again things are looking a lot better this time he?s still a little fast, but ok . Well my mains just touched he needs to get that tail wheel down a little more quickly next time. Well we are rolling to a stop in front of the hangar. We survived. His wife is walking over she?s saying something no she?s asking him something it sounds like ?do you need to clean your drawers? I can answer that one for him, no my seat pan is still dry and the only smell is that of success. First flight 11/21/2009
Congratulations on first flight...

I'm right behind you. If the temps up here ever warm up a couple of degrees, I might be able to get my first flight sometime in the next week or so...

Enjoy Phase 1!