
Well Known Member
The weather finally improved enough to go for first flights combined with engine break in this weekend. All in all got in 6.6 hr with air under the tires. We have a friend who is also a test pilot in the certified world do the honours. He is also an RV-3 owner and has experience in the 6 & 8A and a lot of other stuff. His reputation is that if there is the slightest snag he will find it. I'm glad to say his list was short and mostly minor. It flew straight, stalled clean & straight, handled like an 8 should, and ran very smooth.

Son started his check out. Mine will start after I shift the ground adjustable rudder pedals aft to make up for my lack of height.

Here is the first flight video. Sorry the wind noise messes with the beautiful sound from the IO-375 four pipe.
RV-8 First Flight

Congrats Dennis. All the best in your test phase. Bring her down to Stanley(CCW4) NS sometime. Our Fly-In is always the Labor Day weekend.

Blue skies. Will look forward to seeing you above essex county. You sure got a great break in the weather to get some hours in.
Dennis, Congratulations! Can't wait until I report the same with my own RV-8. I'm in Michigan, but not far; I'm a member of the Canadian Historical Aircraft Association in Windsor, and would enjoy meeting you sometime, see your aircraft and talk 8s for awhile. Let me know if that's a possibility. And if you ever need hospitality in southeast Michigan, let me know. KPTK is an easy port of entry, and I can offer temporary hangar space if you were visiting the area.
Wow, that's one heck of a crosswind for a first flight! :) And was that a flock (or two) of birds crossing the runway on final approach? Kudos to your test pilot!

Contgratulations on the first flight. When you get your hours flown off come on down to St.Thomas and we can go to the Diner for lunch and I will show you my 14 project and my EVO rocket. I would love to take a look at your aircraft. We are less then half an hour away!
All - Thanks for the well wishes.

Brian - hope to get to Stanley one day.
Rick - see you around Essex.
Dave Main - pm sent.
Martin - builders withdrawal is setting in. I've been thinking about CHAA. Work on the Lanc or Mosquito would be fun. KPTK - thanks for the invite.
Yves - pm sent.
Tom - email sent.

Yep - crosswinds would have been real exciting for me but our test pilot handled them well and the birds got out of the way.

On to check out.