Darren Kerns

Well Known Member
My niece texted me this morning and wanted to go flying. I was unable to take her this morning so I told her we could go tonight. This was her first flight. She is 9 years old. She was scared and nervous but excited at the same time.

She wanted me to hold her hand while taxing down to the end of the runway for takeoff. Once in the air she absolutely loved it. One could not have asked for a better night to fly. When we returned she wanted to know how hard it was to get her pilot's license. I told her she could do it. I hope I have spread the bug of flying! I'm so proud of her.

Here are some pictures my wife took before the big event.


Darren Kerns
RV7 N599DT
$.02 says one of those pic's will be front page tomorrow.

Looks like she had a great time.
Good for you...but holy cow! What a paint job!

Can you post a few more pictures from different angles?


Niece first flight and awesome paint job time lapse video - that is just too totally cool! Pierre, was that enough "angle"? :D

How about some flying vids? Really cool looking plane.
Niece first flight and awesome paint job time lapse video - that is just too totally cool! Pierre, was that enough "angle"? :D

How about some flying vids? Really cool looking plane.

Yep...way cool paint job that I don't recall seeing on here before.
