Kevin Horton

Well Known Member
Well, its been ten years, 10 months, and a few days. But at 1600 this afternoon RV-8 #80427 finally got airborne. I circled overhead Smiths Falls, ON (CYSH) at 2500 ft at high power for about 15 minutes, being sure to keep well within gliding distance, just in case. I then pulled up to 5000 ft to do a simulated approach and flare - if there are any issues, better to find them at 5000 ft than at 50 ft. Then I brought the power back up and pulled some g to descend on the dead side of the pattern, crossed over to a very tight downwind and final and landed. It wasn't the best landing I ever did (I had a small bounce), but it was the most satisfying.

The aircraft has no major snags. There is a bit of left wing heaviness, and the front cockpit heat seemed to be pumping out hot air even though the control was OFF. I'll pull the cowlings tomorrow to give a good look at everything ahead of the firewall, sort out the cockpit heat, then if everything is OK, and the weather is suitable, do another hour circling overhead doing engine break-in.

I'll get as much flight testing done as I can in the next three days, then I'll be on the road for a month.
...I'll get as much flight testing done as I can in the next three days, then I'll be on the road for a month.
Congratulations Kevin! I'm expecting this to be the gold standard for RV-8 flight testing that everyone will refer to.

Congratulations, Kevin!! It is a wonderful feeling to get it into the air. Keep us posted on your testing and be careful.

Dan Miller
RV-8 475 hours

That's a long time to stay motivated Kevin. Well done and we await all the numbers.:)

When are you starting #2?:rolleyes:
Wooo Hooo Kevin !!
I dream about the day just so I keep going forward (8hrs.deburing/countersinking today).
Congratulations Kevin!!
I knew you had been around the forums for a loong time, But I had no idea it was TEN years. I bet it feels great!
Good luck.
Way to go, Kevin!!!!
Just in from dinner and this news is a fine dessert. All the best and it couldn't happen to a better person.

Congrats again,
Warmest Congrats Kevin!

I have said this before, but I'll say it again - your website got me through the early days of building with information and inspiration - up through the "point of no return" where it was clear I had to forge ahead and finish! Your's was one of the early, best web sites for -8's, and I was a little sad when I passed you up (although I knew you were building to a higher standard).

Congratulations on the first of many flights, and share your flight test period with all - and don't forget to just plain enjoy it....after all, this is more "production" FT than "experimental", so you should be able to take time to smell the roses....;)

Great to hear

Great Kevin.
Hope all the test hours go well and you get some good flights in before the snow flies.

Cheers and Congrats.

I echo Paul Dye's comments. I used your website for a lot of info and shamlessly stole your your flight manual and checklist. Best wishes and if I can EVER be of any assistance please call.
Congratulations Kevin - a great day and I know you will methodically work through the phase of testing.

I think we all have co-builders as we progress through our project, others just in front or just behind where each of us is at, some with the same model, some just with ideas that are across the range. Yours was definetly one of those for us and I know your views, knowledge and input on VAF (and other forums) is valued by a wide group of people, well done done again and welcome to the flying club :)

Happy for You!

I have nothing to add to the excellent comments above but I just want to say CONGRATULATIONS and thanks once more for all the help.
Hey Kevin....Great job. I started about the same time as you and have followed your progress for as many years as "we" have been building. Great to know that I may even get there some time.....LOL. I still have several months of non-stop work ahead of me to get to where you are today.

Hi Kevin

I feel like I know you even though we have never met. Your web site has help me numberous times with difficult parts. Great to hear you are in the air and able to enjoy this amazing aircraft.

Thanks for the hours you have spent in front of the computer giving the rest of us information we needed to build a better airplane.


Ulf Petersson
80 hrs

:)Hello Kevin

So finally the big day has arrived...

Congratulations on an outstanding job, I've been following your progress from day one.

Next chance I get, I'll fly down to CYSH and have a look at the ''complete'', machine this time...

You're gonna love it..


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Great news. Congratulations, and best of luck during your test phase. I just recently started building, and have looked at your website quite a few times.
Good Job!

Way to go, Kevin!

It's got to be a great feeling. Have fun & be safe on the fly-off.
Capt Flight Test

Congratulations to you Kevin; a man who has already given the RV world so much guidance and taught us so much about the rational approach.

A thoroughly deserved first flight.

Thanks to everyone for the congratulations and kind words that I have received on this forum, via private e-mails, and comments on my web page. I don't have time to respond personally to everyone, but I do appreciate your thoughts.

I am so happy to finally be flying.
Well, its been ten years, 10 months, and a few days. But at 1600 this afternoon RV-8 #80427 finally got airborne.....

Good show, Kevin. No experience is quite like that first flight.

Thanks for posting the post flight report. It will be most helpful in the near future as I proceed with the Lycoming installation.