Well, I've read some eloquent "first flight" prose. I'll just cut to the chase...
N1695 went airborne today after 2 years, 6 months and 26 days of pleasure.
All went well, nothing out of the ordinary. My Advanced Flight Systems AF-3500 is way way cool. That was a very good decision.
After an hour flying I came in for a landing on 35 at UAO to a smooth no surprises touch down.
It is a very exclusive group I joined today. It is very satisfying to have built and flown my own airplane.
Thanks goes to Kent Byerly for lots of help, advice and the use of his 9A for transition training.
O 320 D2A, Sensenich fixed pitch prop. Nice.
Count me in for the party..


I can feel you joy.....You've done it. Congratulations and we are cellebrating with you. When is the Party?.....count me in.. :D

Well done.

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Way to Go Larry!

Congrats! I think you will find the -9A to be fast, economical, and fun. Good luck with your Phase 1!


I'm 25 hours into Phase 1 and know how you feel. Thankfully the group isn't TOO exclusively or I would never have made it! Let us know how P1 goes.

Bob Kelly
Way to go

Having justed completed my first flight I have to ask. So what was going through your mind as the controller said "Cleared for takeoff". Way to go, what a great feeling!
Mark Mercier
Vancouver, BC
Welcome to the club indeed

Very well done, Larry.
Flying is always cool, but doing it in a machine you built is so much better.
Well, I fly out of an uncontrolled field, so I didn"t get to experience that.
However, as I taxied into position in front of my buddies in a Falcon 900, added the power very smoothly, built some airspeed, felt the positive control while speeding down the runway, gently added a little back pressure to the stick, lifted off the ground for the first time, it might compare somewhat to "cleared for takeoff".
The landing was just as fun. Letting the airspeed bleed off and rolling it on the runway. Like I'd done it a hundred times. "THAT" was nice.
I can't wait to do it again!