
Active Member
It finally came together, all the elements that are required for a successful first flight. My test pilot's work schedule, the weather and the aircraft's essential paperwork. We did 1.2 hrs at 75% power stuck in the big racetrack around the home field yesterday. There were a few minor snags to attend to when we returned to the hanger. Second flight was about 1.9 hours in a 10 mile racetrack square (sort of square). The aircraft flew great. Tango Lima Lima was declared a perfect flier. My test pilot has many years of experience with RVs and performance aircraft so I consider this to be a complement to both an excellent kit and the time and care I put into the project. We had a lot of competition for airspace that day as the geese are migrating right now and formation flights were everywhere. Flew beside a flock of snow geese at 5000 feet asl for a moment or two. I had the 10 hour transition training session with Mike Seager in July which prepared me for the flight. I have been flying a CH701 STOL for the last 14 years. That is probably the worst plane to transition to a RV9A from, a flying brick with a motor on the front. Ok I may get some flack over that statement.

A ton of thanks to my wife, Judy who has supported this project 100% of the way. Judy was my bucking partner for all the tough parts and quality control. She also paid all the bills so there is no secret as to how much this one cost.

Also thanks to Doug Reeves for hosting the Vans Airforce. I found the answer to many a question that came up over the course of the project.

Yes it took eight years to complete but its been a great experience and learning for me. I'd do it again, but first we must fly!

Cam Andres
RV9A with Aerosport IO360
Eagle Fuel and Ignition System
Flying Now!!
Rick as PIC for first flight
The usual RV Grin setting in
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Congrats Cam! Wow, that must have been be exhilarating. Keep us posted on the test program.

Great job and congratulations. Building is fun but now the real fun part.

Tremendous achievement, Cam!

My RV-9A has been ready for final inspection since early September. I am still waiting for a C of R from Transport Canada. Can't wait to do that first flight!
Very nice! You should pat yourself on the back repeatedly for such a big accomplishment (in between flights, of course! :) )
Great job and we are all envious of you Canadians who get to do first flights with a check pilot, makes a lot more sense to me!
And good move joining ranks of real (awesome) airplanes......
Congratulations! The 9A is such a sweet ride. How did it manage to get off the ground with such tiny registration letters?
Congrats on the first flight Cam!

Great job and we are all envious of you Canadians who get to do first flights with a check pilot, makes a lot more sense to me!
And good move joining ranks of real (awesome) airplanes......

The standard operating limitations attached to the Special Certificate of Airworthiness for an amateur-built aircraft in Canada will include ?carriage of persons other than for dual instruction is prohibited?. I?m not sure of the history on this choice of wording, but it does leave a ?loophole? that would allow two people on board if one of them has a Flight Instructor rating and he has jumped through all the hoops to keep it current.
Congratulations! The 9A is such a sweet ride. How did it manage to get off the ground with such tiny registration letters?
Thanks Vern. Ah yes the little letters, they are getting bigger very shortly. I am very lucky to have an understanding chief inspector out here in Alberta. They are the same size as the letters on my CH701 and they are 24 inch letters under the wing. Soon to be 12 inch letters on the fuselage and nothing under the wing. Honest.
Congrats on the first flight Cam!

The standard operating limitations attached to the Special Certificate of Airworthiness for an amateur-built aircraft in Canada will include ?carriage of persons other than for dual instruction is prohibited?. I?m not sure of the history on this choice of wording, but it does leave a ?loophole? that would allow two people on board if one of them has a Flight Instructor rating and he has jumped through all the hoops to keep it current.
Thanks Kevin. The qualified pilot "more than 100 hours in type" is also a very qualified flight instructor. We took turns flying that day all with the blessing of the local authorities who don't consider it a loophole.
Great job and we are all envious of you Canadians who get to do first flights with a check pilot, makes a lot more sense to me!
And good move joining ranks of real (awesome) airplanes......
Thanks Pete, one of the locals stopped by the hanger today and told me I will never fly that 701 again...I'll try and prove him wrong but its going to be tough.
Tremendous achievement, Cam!

My RV-9A has been ready for final inspection since early September. I am still waiting for a C of R from Transport Canada. Can't wait to do that first flight!
Thanks Lars, I'm sorry to hear that you are stuck on the CofR with transport. The prairie region office turned mine around in a week. I did phone in and talk nicely to the lady who does it and started an email exchange which seemed to expedite the problems I was having with my LASER engraved data plate. You better be prepared for another delay with the MDRA as they are now looking for a certified test on your static system and altimeter before coming out for an inspection. I made it under the wire but after last weekends MDRA seminar in London they are coming out with a few new items that will snag many a new builder.
Congrats Cam! Wow, that must have been be exhilarating. Keep us posted on the test program.

Thanks Beven, actually the first flight in my 701 was a lot wilder than this one. Scared the you know what outta me. We did this one by the book and stuck to the plan. My safety pilot is really experienced in the cockpit and it stayed very relaxed in there the whole time.
Congrats and welcome to the flying -9 club!
I'm still grinning and it looks like you will be for quite a while.
Safe flying!