
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
Just in from the airport flying chase on Jay's new -8QB. I'm sure he'll chime in here sometime today, but until then I'll say it was a really smoothe first flight. No oil canning, dry belly, good climb and back on the ground in one piece after about 20 minutes or so. I took Carol as my passenger and she had a really good time.

Special thanks to Danny for watching the kids while I flew over to Jay's for an hour.

Pictures later (I took 80). I'll get the best ones up here in a bit.

Congratulations to Jay Pratt on (I believe) the 28th RV to come out of RV Central!!! (Jay built this one by himself after hours in a little over a year, I think).

N46RX Borrowed Horse

Yep it flies. No runs no drips no errors.
Thanks Doug for being here for me. Flying chase.
Thanks to Jim Vroom for the wiring and the 100s of other things you have helped with over the past 12 years.
Mel a special thanks for the thorough inspection, you saved my bacon again.
This was a fun morning with a bunch of friends helping and making sure all the parts were working.
It is hard to put this thing away and fly off to OSH. But I am packing Shooter today.
See you in OSH.
Outstanding Jay!

Congratulations Jay! I know that flying all those new airplanes is probably getting to be old hat, but I'm sure it is a little more special when its one you get to keep!

Oh, just watched the video - saw that you managed to log three landings in one pass - trying to complete the test program early? :p

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Ironflight said:
Oh, just watched the video - saw that you managed to log three landings in one pass - trying to complete the test program early? :p
LOL - Jay, that looked like most of my landings in the newly acquired RV-4. :eek:
Ironflight said:
Oh, just watched the video - saw that you managed to log three landings in one pass - trying to complete the test program early? :p
I wasn't going to say anything but since Paul started it...

Anyone can make a good landing, a real pilot can botch one and do the right thing to recover. I would have no problem letting you do my first flight.

Great looking plane Jay. I can't wait to see it in person.
..not to mention it's the plane's very first landing. Lots of unknowns (and ughknowns for fans of 'The Right Stuff'). Jay and I were discussing different indicated airspeeds in the flight, so there was some guess work on that approach (one of the skillsets you get after doing so many first flights).

Plenty good in my book...and VERY grateful I did a decent landing after Jay (I didn't know that camera of Mike's was still rolling).

Congrats again, Jaybird!!!
Note that I've never shown anyone the video of MY first landing in the Valkyrie....;)

I would have no problem letting Jay fly a first flight in anything I had!

Congratulations Jay!

Sorry I missed the first flight, but great to hear that it was uneventful. It is a constant source of wonder to me how you are able to build airplanes so quickly to the level of quality that you manage to achieve. Can't wait to fly to breakfast/lunch with you later this summer!

Thanks for all the support on this RV8.

I did not think I was going to meet so many nice, quality people when I started building that RV 6 in July 1995.

As a teenager, building models in Mom and Dads house, neighbor kids would come over and see me building some U control airplane and get bored and leave. I feel like a nerd except,, I do not do computers ie no pictures loaded by me on this sight??

Well I have been flying the new to me C-140 'PUTT PUTT' trying to figure the landings etc, and this is my story and I am sticking to it... I got so slow on final on my first flight in my new 'Borrowed Horse' today and stalled it a 'little high' and dropped it in. of coarse!!! there was video Mike Reddick,,,, and 20 people watching, what do you expect? I am used to coming in slowwww in the C-140. my story,, remember..........

Well I flew another 1.1 this evening and did a perfect landing with no one watching............ What a fun airplane!!! Every time I have test flown a RV8, I have wanted to build another one to keep. Ok this RV 8 is a keeper,, you side by side fliers just can't know,,,,,, the RV4s & 8s are different, not better, just a little better in roll, you gotta try one.

I plan to ease into this new airplane and enjoy the experience. Some of my neighbors will help me with the test requirements, many have more experience than me any way,,,, Danny, Doug, Roy, Scorch. I know some of you will do some of the time and test.

First impressions are positive and you can bet I will be up and flying at first light tomorrow
first flight


Awesome plane as usual. Congrats on finishing it!

Nice Tshirt for that first flight too :cool:

See ya'll at OSH.
Congrats Jay

Congrats Jay. Thanks again for showing me your shop when I was in Dallas.
First Flight, "Borrowed Horse II"

Congrats on getting "Borrowed Horse...the sequel" into the air. Looking forward to seeing it at Land of Enchantment. Good luck and have fun with the Phase 1 hours.

You da' man, Jay! Wish I could have made it up to see the first flight, but was up really late the night before working on the house remodel.... :mad:

That's great that you now have another plane to add to your fleet :D

I'll talk to you soon, and before I forget, I'd sure like to hitch a ride in Shooter sometime...low and slow...sweet!

Fly safe to OSH. And yes, I am still envious of your career :cool: