Desert Rat

Well Known Member
Had my first flight yesterday :)

I took off from my home airport orbited at 5,000' for a while before an uneventful albeit embarrassingly bouncy landing. The plane flies straight and level hands off with no bad manners at all.
There were a few squawks, the most noteworthy being the oil temp gauge failed with a big red X that started behaving again after landing. Unfortunately, stuff that won't break and stay broken is the hardest to find and fix, so we'll see how that goes.

I couldn't have ask for a more well behaved airplane.

Thanks to everybody on VAF who offered advice starting back 4 1/2 years ago when I first logged onto this wonderful resource.

flight videos can be accessed through this link

Had my first flight yesterday :)

I took off from my home airport orbited at 5,000' for a while before an uneventful albeit embarrassingly bouncy landing. The plane flies straight and level hands off with no bad manners at all.
There were a few squawks, the most noteworthy being the oil temp gauge failed with a big red X that started behaving again after landing. Unfortunately, stuff that won't break and stay broken is the hardest to find and fix, so we'll see how that goes.

I couldn't have ask for a more well behaved airplane.

Thanks to everybody on VAF who offered advice starting back 4 1/2 years ago when I first logged onto this wonderful resource.

flight videos can be accessed through this link

Huge congrats!
Many congratulations and wishing you a pain-free phase 1! What a huge accomplishment!