Wayne Gillispie

Well Known Member
On our last vacation in 2007 this was the view out the windshield at 67 kts and 6' AGL...

After much sacrificing, saving, dedication and 80 hour work weeks here is our new mode of travel.

Our first long xc family vacation in our new RV-10 flight aware track.

At 13500, our first time using O2. An O2 setup and pulse oximeter are definitely worth the money! It was like having A/C without the extra 50 lbs and only 15 minutes of roasting on each end of the flight.

To be continued...
Trip Report Pg 2

Our original plan was 5/31-6/8/2012. The trip South from Ohio to Florida was cool and smooth. Here we are over Epcot, one of our destinations as well as Animal Kingdom nearby. One can spend more there in one day than my entire trip fuel bill for approx 170 gallons of 100LL!! We spent two days there...OUCH. The kids loved it, but we won't be going back until the remaining 189 destinations are visited.


We flew to some other Florida destinations. Here is my son Nate fishing with squid at Cedar Key- CDK. That runway was not too short after all. The wind was a different story. We ate at Tony's Seafood Restaurant- highly recommend their world famous clam chowder. Went swimming at the beach...if you can call it that. Picked up four quarts of frozen clam chowder for the family supper back in Sebring. Works good to keep you cool too. Judy picked us up and brought us back to our magic carpet for $20 each way. Well worth it since I was already soaked after seeing that little strip of pavement from 3000' and securing the plane in the hot steamy Florida sun.


We flew up to see our friends Ted and LiFen at Spruce Creek- 7FL6. Now I know that airport is around here somewhere...at least that is what my GRT says. It is a very nice airpark with lots of trees to provide cover. Ted and I flew SE down to the Shuttle Landing Facility- TTS. We made it back for fuel just before a little Florida sprinkle fell from the sky. Then we sat in the plane and checked for water leaks for 30 minutes. Did I mention Florida is hot and steamy. Thank goodness for anti-perspirant and a big cabin. Yep, always carry a roll of paper towels when traveling. Not for use on windows. Came in handy for a few drips from hinge screws. Note to -10 builders...proseal under hinges and all hinge screws.



To be continued...
Trip Report Pg 3 continued

We spent a day at Kennedy Space Center and took a vip tour of the launch pads and shuttle assembly building. Well worth the money and time. Now I know where a few tax dollars go. A cheap day compared to Disney. It was hot and steamy on that side of Florida too. There are plenty more places to go, but one must get back to work and pay more taxes.

It was just one round of TS after another moving W to E across the panhandle of Florida then this was in the back of my mind.


Here was the wx on departure morning. We delayed departure almost too long. We had to wait long enough for ceilings to come up to at least 1500' in Southeastern Georgia/S. Carolina but not too long because TS were again on the move. Maybe that hot and steamy feeling for the last 12 days had a little to do with it.


We departed Sebring, FL- SEF North towards Jacksonville, FL. We got flight following all the way down and surely wanted it going North this day. Another item I would have not flown without is XM wx. Never lost it from 0-13,500' MSL. I would never depend on Foreflight in the air or ADS-B on the ground. They both have their weaknesses. As we closed in on the wx near Jacksonville, ATC ask if I had on board wx. Affirmative I replied. He said he was showing extreme precipitation at my 12 o'clock and 20 miles. I see it and would like to deviate to the East as necessary. There is a warning area out there but no problem vfr and I doubt any military guys were flying this day. We deviated approximately 10 miles from shore. You betcha I had one screen on the engine display and my headset cocked a little on one side to listen to that 540 purr. When abeam Jacksonville, they came on and said the airport was closed to all inbound traffic. It got busy with chatter in a hurry with diversions to alternates and holding patterns. We started heading for the Georgia coast, St Simons Island- SSI. By the time we reached Barnwell, SC- BNL for fuel, ceilings were up to 2,000'. There were many days after that were no-gos for leaving vfr. Flew from Barnwell NW over Western Carolina Reg- RHP to avoid TS and TC popping up SE of the Appalachians.


Then direct NE to Portsmouth, Ohio- PMH, our homebase. Good experience for me and my wife- Navigator/Weather Girl. Thank you Ted for more great training and advice! Thanks to Van's, Lycoming, Hartzell, GRT and XM wx for helping make a first long xc flight for a low time pilot and his family a safe and enjoyable one. Now here at OSH for my daughter's EAA Air Academy and watching preparations for Air Venture. We will be back up on July 21-23 for some camping by the plane...another first. Wouldn't you know it, it is steamy hot here now too.
wayne, nice post and use of your RV. it was fun running into you at wachula airport. the plane looks fantastic. keep on flying far. :)

didn't i see you in front of baslers in oshkosh yesterday i was in the hanger (rv-4) and left at 8 local time and i looked your rv-10 over just before i left for michigan (you must have built before because i aways look at the first parts built and yours are perfect) nice plane!
We are at Osh Bill V.

Never built before, very little sheet metal experience, my "Navigator" helped as well as my two kids. People have RV campers set up already. We are going to stay in HBC, but have to get back to work for a few days. Three days of camping will be enough for the first time. I may post some pics before leaving.

I don't know why most of the pics above did not open up like the fist two. It may be due to my resizing of them to 800x600. Can't think of anything I did different. Any advice appreciated. I am using an Ipad3 and photobucket.
Nice meeting you too Ed

I am sure we'll meet again as we plan on flying the entire US and will be down in Florida often, where my family lives.
Glad to hear about your long xcountry Wayne. Nice write up. Keep in touch if you still want to experience nordik. I could use a well equipped lead :)
Great Motivation - Thanks for sharing


That's a great write up, thanks for sharing. I laughed at your first picture, the one taken from the car - Morehead / Flemingsburg is, sorta, my neck of the woods.

Enjoy your beautiful family and airplane and please keep the motivation coming!
Great trip report and pics Wayne. Give me a call the next time you will be in the area. I would love to see your airplane.
Your sacrifice, persistence, and good planning paid off. Those days with no family vacations and restaurant eat outs have passed. Now you are a high flying family enjoying the fruit of your labor. The country just shrunk to a quarter of its original size for you. USA and Canada, the Gillispie family is coming to you soon:D!