Congrats Don! Way to go. That Vike sounds great! My neighbors would have a cow if I did that in my driveway. :)

BTW, do me a favor. *Please* remove the tow bar before you start up next time. I got the heebee geebies watching that.

Another congrats to you:D

And, gotta agree about the tow bar...........
The tow bar warning is too late. Did you how badly the prop is bent in that second YouTube movie? :D Just kidding about the optical illusion.
Congratulations Don.
Well that was on the list to remove the towbar, but we forgot it! I had started my Ercoupe once with the towbar attached, and the prop took care of disconnecting it and tossing it aside, so I DO know better:eek:
Thought I'd never see the day!!!

Don that's just too cool. I'm so glad you got that thing out of the garage and are moving forward. Its gonna be flying soon.
I am pretty sure that is you and Deene bragging, right? (Of course it is not bragging if you actually done it I hear)
There is still hope--
Never underestimate how slowly Dick can get things accomplished--he is by far the slowest RV-12 builder in Georgetown, TX.
It was not as close as it might have been. You may notice I have to jack up the nose to get the tail to clear the garage ceiling, that gave me just the right amount of clearance.