
Well Known Member
Hi Friend,

Yesterday afternoon I starter my engine for the first time, almost everything went ok.

Dynon RPM showing half RPM, my fault just change the setup, fixed now

Andair fuel pump just give 10 psi, Dynon sensor setup mistake, now is fixed

Right magneto didn't work at all. I had to removed my right magneto to install an oil pipe to radiator, as I was afraid I contact a licensed Mechanic to remove and reinstall the right mag and I paid for it, but he did not timed the magneto the right way, I removed and installed the magneto today by myself and now everything is good. Worst thing is this guy make maintenance to the planes that my wife and I are currently renting to maintain our license till our plane is flying. Everyday I feel more convinced that experimental planes is the way to go for safety reason.

Here is a video

Happy building and flying
Nice video! Nicer paint job!

Will we see you at OSH this year?


I am planning to fly to sun n fun next year (2011 or 2012) with my 8 leave it there return to my country and the come back to USA to fly it to OSH.

Is a big trip from Chile so I want to do both at once:D

That is one nice looking -8! Congrats on your first engine start and your upcoming trips!