
Well Known Member
At about 6PM this evening Black Magic became something other than an
expensive paper weight. With a friend over to man the fire
extinguisher, I hoped in, master on, fuel pump on to get a little
pressure, off with pump, mixture to full rich, throttle cracked, left
mag switch to hot, hit the starter may have went a
blade and a half (this is an engine without a primer) and jumped to
life. Initial run at 1200 to check pressures then up to 1800. The
run was for 3 minutes. CHT's were very consistent 270s at the low RPM
and mid 3teens at the higher power setting. Fuel pressure at 5.2. Engine ran extremely smooth, prop tracked very well, exhaust was a nice smooth consistent sound. Backed her back down to a real nice smooth low speed idle. Back up a little then mixture to cutoff. I videoed a little differently....from
the inside. Now I know what everyone is talking about when this thing I built in the garage, including the engine, came to life and is no longer just
that before mentioned paper weight. It's getting close!! WOO HOO

Here's the link:
Eng. Start

Congrats! Hope to see Black Magic at the Fly In if the weather is good and you're gonna do it next year.
Congratulations Dana. I should be about two months behind you in getting my engine started for the first time. With a lot of luck, I will have my "Sky Terrier" RV-7A at your fly-in next year.

Steve Eberhart
Congrats on the engine run. That puts you a lot closer to going flying!

I must have missed the end of your fuel flow thread. What did you do to fix the flow problem you seemed to have?
Kyle Boatright said:
Congrats on the engine run. That puts you a lot closer to going flying!

I must have missed the end of your fuel flow thread. What did you do to fix the flow problem you seemed to have?

Kyle it was a timing issue. Once that "minor" issue was resolved it was a non issue. It's amazing what L & R rotation will do when timing your mags
:rolleyes: Man, I hate to admit that one.

As for the electric fuel pump, it just needed priming. Piece of cake. I look at the airplane totally different now!!
Congrats Dana!

Hey, what was that flashing item on your engine monitor? It got my attention...
dan said:
Congrats Dana!

Hey, what was that flashing item on your engine monitor? It got my attention...

It was the fuel pressure. It was in the yellow range at 5.2. I need to go in and modify the default range. I knew others would see that also
Congrats, Dana! Another big step out of the way. Glad you got the priming/leak worked out--problems at this stage can be very frustrating. I had more than my share. May stop in in a few weeks and see your airplane (that sounds so much better than "project" doesn't it?)

Bob Kelly
Congradulations Dana

Must be so exciting. Are you still putting together engine packages for us guys still looking for a good deal?