
Well Known Member
Hello fellas!

The 2nd last milestone is reached, last weekend I could start the engine for the first time on the plane. This after 11 years of building ... yes, many things came inbetween. But the building is only one part, the nearly more important part is the friends and buddy's I met throu this project, even if it is only here on this great platform VAF!

Have a look here, my talented co-worker put a nice video togehter:
First engine run of HB-YMP
Thank you Juergen, well done!

The week before was so busy, night before was very short, I tryd my best to not do anything wrong ... but I did :eek: not that bad, but I was so nervous, that I did not let go the starter key propperly ... skkkuuuuueeeeeeeeeee .... was the noise you do not want to hear! Oh well, I marked my starter ring gear ... it belongs to me now ... ;) still fine and good for a few 1000 hours. Just my ego is bruised :(

Now the engine has run for 2x 3min, no leaks, all is fine so far. I need to finish a few details FWF and things on the cowl inside, then it is ready for longer engine runs and taxy tests.

The year is ending soon, so maybe I have have to change the trailer First flight trailer to 2016, I hope not, but paperwork and weather around December/January is not so promissing. We will se and for sure I let you know!
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Dominik, my best Congratulations. This is a great step.
I visited you a few years ago, you were working on your wings.
Some time later I bought a -6 Kit from South Carolina and I hope my first Engine Run will be next year.
See you at EAS- or OUV-Meeting next year.

Hi Dominik

Congratulation to this milestone! No worries regarding the first flight date... Just do it when you are ready for it. Another few weeks won't change the final grin! ;)
First start

Nice video. I had my first engine start Sunday on my rebuilt 0-320 160hp. It wasn't very exciting so I won't post it.
Hi Dominik,

I loved your previous video and like this one too. Nicely done! What is even greater is the achievement of being at the stage where you are! Another one in the European skies!

Aren't you on the same airfield as Werner Maag with the Express? He came to the first fly-in for experimentals in Belgium last July. We planned to go to Mollis, but the weather was too bad. We hope to see you on one of those fly-ins next year.

You are almost there, keep up the good work!

Well done, Sir, now get her into the air and let the real fun begin. :cool:
congrats to the nice video, domi!

i have to chime in here and make people aware that this is probably the nicest crafted RV i've ever come across! stunningly beautiful work! domi doesn't just drill a hole, he sure first creates some kind of drill guide ;-) *LOL*
now go for that final stretch!
i'm ready for chase anytime! ;-)
Thank you!

Hello :)

Thank you all for your nice comments! The last week's where realy great and gave me much power! It is hard to build a plane beside job and a young family ... hard for me to not have the time to build, hard to see the low progress. But also hard to understand for them, that daddy is not so much around ... daddy is again not at home this evening ... daddy is at home, but is absent in his mind and thinking about the plane ...

It is time that the plane gets finished and a new era ... flying with daddy ... will start soon!

2-4 months to go ... then watch out for a first flight video!

I haven't been monitoring the forum lately and just found this thread. Congratulations on the 1st engine run. You have built a simply stunning aircraft and I look forward to hearing about the first flight. It can't be far away now :)
WOW! Congrats on the engine start. Very professional video! Did you put the video together? If not, who did?
Nice video, and very clean RV! I did a first start last week and a few test starts since then, and posted a very amateurish (experimental?) video by comparison. :):)
My coworker did the video!


My co-worker, a very talented yong man, he has a very sharp and quick mind. (sometimes he fears me, he can be so quick in doing stuff with his computer)n made the video. It is just his hobby and from time to time he is spending hours and hours on such videos and having fun.

Well Peter, not yet, but soon! After nearly TWO month of only doing paperwork, writing a complete AFM and Maintenance Manual, the first step, the checkout by the Swiss equivalent of EAA is done. They did not found anything that stop the last step, the Swiss equivalent of FAA will checkout the plane in the first week of March. Then they need about two weeks to prepare the temporarly "Permit to fly"! So I expect about mid to end of March to get this bird into the air.

In the meantime, I'm recovering from overstress and nearly a burnout. In the end, after 12 years of building, beside the day-job and family with two small kids it was just too much, too many small things that need to be finished. I relax, enjoy the time with the family and wait for that day in March, when all is behind me, and a new life will start:
Swisseagle # 1 was a Project ... and enjoy from now on the sky as his home :eek:
For sure I will post here.

Have a good time, until then!