Jeff Vaughan

Well Known Member
First Engine Start (2nd time).... ..well sort of. Just replaced all four ECI cylinders (recent AD) and after one and a half months I could not wait to breath life back into my plane. Started right up, ran it for four minutes. All systems go. After checking for leaks I was ready to go but had to delay a day because my flaps would not raise. Last night I cleaned the armature and brushes per Van's instructions, reinstalled the flap motor this am. A short taxi, a thorough run up and I was in the air again. The out side temp was 32 degrees. I circled the airport at 3500 feet for one hour. It was a bit bumpy but I was back in the air wearing my RV grin again. Ran the engine at 75% power (2600 rpm) All cylinder temps were within 7 degrees. (315 - 322) My second engine start was better than the first because I knew what flying fun I had been missing and I was very anxious to get back into the air.
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My Cylinders were B class. I had to return my cylinders to ECI at my cost. ECI sent to me 4 new complete cylinder assemblies, pistons, rings, valves gaskets etc. Bill from ECI $485.00