
Well Known Member
Well I just have to tell the world that I am so excited to have completed my first cross country trip in an airplane I built myself in a renovated cow barn! It was a challenging flight as it was almost entirely in busy ATC controlled airspace including about 10 frequency changes for the 23 minute flight, over water for 1/2 the flight, and through international airspace.

Having successfully completing this provides a huge sense of accomplishment similar to the first test flight.

BTW, to do this trip by car would take 8 hours minimum (round trip) and cost more than $250 mostly due to the fact that it would include taking a car ferry each way, including the privilege of waiting in lines ups for the ferry. Total direct cost with the RV was about $50 for gas. The view, speed, ATC working for me, convenience, sense of accomplishment... priceless.

This summer is gonna be fun!

It took me 14 years to build this RV. You don't have to take that long. Keep pounding those rivets! Do something every day. :)


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Great job getting it done and flying it. Good job pushing yourself through what slows down so many.

Enjoy and fly safe and fly often. Great job. :)
Awesome, Bevan! A big congrats, and thanks for sharing the excitement!

I did my first post-Phase 1 flight today too, ducking under Class B & C shelves around L.A., Orange County and San Diego, and over the Pacific a bit to get around Camp Pendleton's restricted area. It felt good to brush up on towered airport radio calls going into Chino...a touch rusty here!
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