ron sterba

Well Known Member
I downloaded Vans condition inspection PDF file for my 9A. Is there any thoughts that you could add about "over & above" that you may have found with your inspection? Could it have been a DVD or Mag article or publication, maybe a better engineered part that may cut future maintenance issues. I have the Anti-Splat vertical stab bracket,& nose gear spring bracket and finally oil by-pass separator. Separator works GREAT as there isn't any oil scheen on my belly skin. Also baggage area,,,little sponge pads in "V" shaped openings in upper baggage panel. This stops exhaust smell in cockpit as noted by a previous posts. I know I'am going to ADD a ANL 60 amp fuse & holder on main buss wire near battery in engine compartment for SURE!

Ron Sterba RV9A N421HJ just one number away from the jet but more fun to FLY!�� Unless you want to get there faster!✈️
I keep a supply of screws of all sizes so that when a screw head gets messed up, the screw gets replaced. Hopefully that's not a factor on a plane so young.