
I'm New Here
Hi to all,
this is Luigi and I'm looking for a circuit to operate my Icom IC-A200 with two headset and two ptt in the way when the pilot uses the radio the passenger
may hear it but not to speak and viceversa.
I remember a scheme, some time ago, for such a service.
Any one remember it ?
Thanks for any help.
Best greetings,
Welcome to VAF!!!!

Luigi, welcome to the good ship VAF.

Good to have you aboard.

I believe a lot of the intercoms available will do what you want, or audio panels also.

There are some pretty smart electronic types here also, I would not be surprised if some could whip up a simple circuit for you.

Sounds like you might be able to use PTT switches that are a DPDT configuration, and set up a "cut out the other guys mic" circuit with them???