
Well Known Member
We are heading from California to Alamogordo, New Mexico (KALM) and then on to Abilene, Texas this Wednesday. I have made the trek to KALM once before in a different plane. I plan to swing just south of Phoenix and North of Tucson. Last time I didn't even try to get permission to cross WSMR (R5107) and went basically to El Paso and then followed the highway up between to restricted areas (very narrow). Has anyone flown across WSMR before or are they very tight on allowing access? Also looking for a good place to stop for fuel around Phoenix or Tucson. I know it is close to being able to make it all the way, but I don't mind a stop along the way.
I have been allowed through that restricted area at least twice. I was using flight following and I believe that it was El Paso that gave me permission. If you have a moving map GPS, that strip is not an issue going to ALM.

Use for fuel
Trinity Site

I assume you are going to the one day April tour of Trinity Site. We did that a couple of years ago and it is very interesting, especially if you have read :

"The Making of the Atomic Bomb" by Richard Rhodes
"Enola Gay" by Gordon Thomas and Max Morgan Witts
"Flight of the Enola Gay" by Paul W. Tibbets

Coming the southern route out of California I always follow the airway through Banning Pass and over Blyth then down over Gila Bend, AZ, El Paso, etc. From Gila Bend to the area north of Tucson there are a lot of airports to refuel at. I have refueled at most of them including Tucson International in a routine manner (at Tucson I always go to the FBO at the base of the tower). This is a case where you may want to check one of the fuel price services to find the cheapest location.

I never ask to cross the restricted areas around White Sands Missile Range but as Ron Lee's experience proves, it is possible.

Bob Axsom

Actually my parents live near Alamogordo. I am from there originally. In all my years though I've never made it out for the tour. I won't be there in April this time either. But I will sometime. I'd also like to go to the Lake Lucero tour.

Then on to Abilene to see the granddaughter.

I have been allowed through that restricted area at least twice. I was using flight following and I believe that it was El Paso that gave me permission. If you have a moving map GPS, that strip is not an issue going to ALM.

Use for fuel

Talking to other airpark flyers that go that way regularly, and my occasional trips.... In that area you can commonly cross R-5107A just South of Condron AAF. Permission to cross the more Northern ones is unlikely.

But, from the Tucson area this does provide a short cut to the corridor. The corridor follows the road nicely... and since it's the only road in the area it's easy to follow...:)

That area is a live missile firing range, so listen carefully to ATC...:D

From Blythe I personally prefer following I-10 to short of Buckeye (BXK) and then head for Tucson. This adds only a few minutes and avoids the area around Gila Bend which is in the middle of nowhere...

gil A
Fuel near Tucson

Friendliest folks and downhome atmosphere at E95, Benson. Cheapest fuel a little north of there at San Manuel (self serve). Wave to my lonely little strip at Cascabel halfway in between--I'm stuck in NC making a living right now...
Miller McPherson
Cascabel, AZ and points too far east.
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Thanks for the information. We made it in to KALM yesterday afternoon. El Paso cleared us across 5107A, which always helps. When ABQ center asked me my intended route, I asked if White Sands was hot and he replied "Absolutely".

Just south of Phoenix is Casa Grande KCGZ, just there last weekend. Cheap fuel nice FBO. As far as the airspace just check with El Paso. The corridor is no problem.
