
I started out this morning with the intentions of getting several quality hours of construction done. I got 4 hours 59 minutes of quality construction in. Unfortinately, I also got about 10 seconds of stupidity in as well :eek:.

I am working on the horizontal stabilizer, drilling the holes in the spar based on the holes that are already in the skin. Things were going well until I accidentaly drilled an extra hole in the skin. It is really close to the correct hole, so I can't just put in an extra rivet. The hole is completely through the skin and half way though the spar (I realized my mistake before finishing the hole). I took some pictures and posted them here: http://picasaweb.google.com/N12365/FirstBigMistake

Any suggestions for how I can fix this?

Hi Ryan,

First, call Vans , it doesnt look that bad, and can be fixed. Also welcome to the club, I think we all have done this on our projects.
No what I would do ( after calling Vans ) is to put a rivet in the original hole, leave the extra hole empty. Drill a new hole each side of the original hole and put a double plate to accept the 3 rivets.
---.--.--.--- skin
---|--|--|--- Doubler

Do a search for extra dimple or number 8 hole. ( the extra hole in the skin can be filled before painting )

I hope this helps, build on.
Do as Jamie says

If it had happened anywhere other than a skin, it could be considered a lightening hole, of course considering edge distance....... Good luck with the build.
boo boo

Your going to have many of these little issues, dont let it slow you down. I would call vans and get some smarter people to chime in...but..my call is to drill it through, do a good dimple to little past flush and put a rivet in it. It fills the hole, it is strong and if a little past flush, a little filler pre paint will hide it from the judges and it will be our little secret. Just my free opinion.

Maybe you can use epoxy. I have a similar problem and I think I will solve at follows.

1) Lay some peel-ply (Dacron) on the outer surface of the skin and tape it all around to the skin. It should be flush with the skin;

2) clean a small rectangular part of the skin (inside) and use some sandpaper (80-120) to have a grip for resin;

3) apply a thin layer of resin; I don't think adding fiber is necessary;

4) wait for complete drying and then peel off dacron.