
Well Known Member
So excited to finally get to share the excitement of flying with my wife.

We don't have any family in town to watch the kids, and were pretty new to the area when I built the Zenith, so she was always the one to sit on the ground babysitting whichever kid wasn't going up for a ride. I'd sneak away some mornings with one of the older kids and we'd go find breakfast somewhere, but she'd always be left out. She got exactly two rides in that plane over the course of the year or so that I had it. A neighbor at the airpark volunteered to keep an eye on the kids in her back yard while we went up for a couple minutes each time.

Ah, but things are changing. One difference is that we know people! I hired one of the girls in our youth group to come watch the kids for the day, and finally got to share with my wife why these things are often referred to as "time machines." Crusing at 150 kts and 7gph, we zipped on up to Lancaster, PA (KLNS) and had lunch at a really great Italian restaurant right on the field. This would normally be a 3 hour drive each way - we made it in 40 minutes. Visibility wasn't great because of haze at lower altitudes, so we climbed up into the smooth, cool air above the clouds and felt like the only two people on earth! (If you have small children, and a bathroom door that doesn't lock, you'll be able to appreciate the idea of such solitude :)

If you're still building, and still married, let me encourage you to make the latter your priority. Building is challenging, but sharing the ultimate experience with your closest friend makes it all worth while.

So glad for you! Many of us do understand. :)
There's probably LOTS of memories that will keep coming. Have fun!


I don't know how old your kids are, but once they are in school, things really change. My wife and I drop off our son at school and then we head straight for the airport, FFC. We'll fly to Jekyll Island, St. Simons, or even Cedar Key and spend several hours on the ground. We are back home in time to receive him as he gets off the school bus. Our neighbors are our back up plan if we don't make it back in time due to weather or a mechanical issue.

Have fun!
I know a lot of my flying will be solo, and there will be special challenges with getting my wife in and out of the plane... but we will figure out a way, and it will happen. Sharing the experience with my best friend will indeed make it all worthwhile. Very well said.
I-Red, I like your perspective!

I'm in a similar situation myself and am always trying to convince the wife she needs to get more air time!
There is no denying you have your priorities straight. We worked together on the build process and on the flying process as well. The best right seat I could ever ask for.