Nice! I'm almost ready to have my friends push me down the street in front of the house to test the brakes. Probably won't do a video, though. :)
People tend to think we're all a little nuts anyway, so why not?

I read an article in the newspaper this morning about a guy here in town who has a little "garage project" he's been working on for a while. Warp drive. Apparently he's the closest to getting it working of anyone, and his garage is a place many RV builders would recognize (at least by type). People in this country seen to have forgotten that that's how we have typically done great things in America... not IPOs or government funding and new buildings, but building stuff in garages. HP, Apple, Disney, Google, Amazon, Harley Davidson, Lotus, Maglite, Mattel and a few thousand RVs.
No sane person would ever do anything like this...


(Mine requires significantly more imagination)
I didn't think of that one! I did sit in the cockpit and make airplane noises tho-
Just like everyone else.
Remember, 99% admit to doing it, the other 1% are liars. :D