
Well Known Member
Does anybody have an example of the first 25 hour test plan that must be submitted to the DAR? I did a search, but did not find any. Thanks, Tom

Got mine off this web site. I will try to attatch it but if not send me an email and I will shoot it to you. It is very good and did not know the DAR needed to see it. Is it 25 hour certified and 40 non. Just wandering.:rolleyes:
Does anybody have an example of the first 25 hour test plan that must be submitted to the DAR? I did a search, but did not find any.
It seems that you don't currently have a plan on what flight tests you will do during the flight test phase. I recommend you review the very useful guide that the FAA published, Advisory Circular 90-89A, Amateur-Built Aircraft and Ultralight Flight Testing Handbook. Then, once you have created your test plan, give a copy to your DAR.

You can find a few example flight test plans on my web site, but they really should be customized to your aircraft, your level of flying experience, and your objectives.
phase I tests

Van,s builders manual has good instructions for all of the various tests you need to complete phase I testing, and it is tailored for RVs. :)