
Well Known Member
I was browsing thru the website and ran across the list
( http://www.vansairforce.net/rv10.htm) that was started tracking the First 100 Flying RV-10's. Vic Syracuse was #11 (the last one to post his flying RV-10). Maybe those currently flying wanna post their planes to get the list current? I know there should be 60 or more on the list by now! (Tim, Jesse, Ray, Russ, Bill, etc.)

Dean 40449
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I'd actually forgotten about that page, Dean! I was hoping it would grab a footing but it never seemed to. Oh well - try ten things and hope one sticks. I'd still love for it to. I think it would be a motivational section.

Let's crank it up again. Here's the link: http://www.vansairforce.net/rv10.htm

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