
Well Known Member
I have noticed in Jim Cones picture the 2 K1000-4s are mounted flush side down on the 1201B firewall self and a few of the other guys build log show the flush side up . Whats correct and what mounts on them??? I want to get them right beofre the pedals go back in.

I have noticed in Jim Cones picture the 2 K1000-4s are mounted flush side down on the 1201B firewall self and a few of the other guys build log show the flush side up . Whats correct and what mounts on them??? I want to get them right beofre the pedals go back in.

Brad- They go in flush side up- see page 22-03, Fig. 2. Steve
I have noticed in Jim Cones picture the 2 K1000-4s are mounted flush side down on the 1201B firewall self and a few of the other guys build log show the flush side up . Whats correct and what mounts on them??? I want to get them right beofre the pedals go back in.

Brad- I forgot to mention that there was some confusion on the part of the guys like me who got their fuselage kits in the first batch. The confusion stemed from the fact that on the first kits, the nutplate rivet holes were dimpled in the wrong direction. When I called VANS, they confirmed that the figure in the manual was correct ( flush side up). All I did was reverse the direction of the nutplate rivet dimples. Steve
Thanks a bunch Steve. It was a 2 months ago that i put them in. I am done with the fuselage and my finish kit care package(missing parts) is due to arrive tommorow. My seats arrived yesterday. Wiring is done and on to the control systems now. Thanks agian.

Brad Stiefvater