
Well Known Member
Hi all
I'm up to riveting the F-970 side skins onto the fuselage. I've read numerous posts regarding sealing the firewall but can't find it in Van's instructions. I'm assuming it is done somewhere near when the cowl is fitted. This would require the forward part of the F-970 skins and floor to remain clecoed so the edge can be lifted to place the sealant between the firewall and side skins/forward floor. Any help would be appreciated.
Same here

I have the same question. I'm about to rivet the foward skins on a -8. I assme we dimple the skin and firewall now even though we will need to fit the hinge later? Sound correct? If we leave the forward skin to firewall cleco'd, can we get the sealant in later?
Go ahead and dimple the skins and the sides/bottom of the firewall flange now. Put some sealant on the firewall flange and side/bottom skins and cleco them up and leave them until you get to working on the cowling. You won't put rivets in there until you get either the hinges or camlock support material installed. I would leave the firewall flange where the top skin attaches undimpled, since the curves are hard to match drill when they are dimpled.
I just did this on the RV7A. I put some sealer (Biotherm) BETWEEN the aluminum skin and the stainless firewall flange before riveting with the cowl attach hardware.

Wow PETE, cloud tinnie is scootin along, getting cold in Mudgee?

My fuse left LA port on Saturday so I have a dead line now to finish wings off. Finished sealing both tanks on saturday and Clecoed the flaps up last night.

Cracking along...

Thanks for asking this question.