
Well Known Member
Working on Section 27 and I think that there is a mistake in the plans.

On 27-04 there is a section of the firewall which is not dimpled for the installation of the battery box. Then on 27-05 there is a section of the top firewall which is no supposed to be dimpled for the battery box. The issue is that 27-04 shows 6 holes to not be dimpled, while on 27-05 there are 7 holes which are not supposed to be dimpled. The battery box bracket only has six holes. So I assume that 27-05 is not correct and that only 6 holes are not supposed to be dimpled.

I want to make sure that I am correct since my next step is to counter sink the corresponding hole in the F-01401D angle bracket. I can always undimple a hole. Kinda hard to uncounter sink a hole.


Those threads are what I am talking about, but the revision is WRONG. If you look closely, it calls out not dimpling 7 holes. This in turn leads to not counter sinking 7 holes. The batter box is only 6 holes. Look closely at the PDF you attached or the pictures I attached. 27-05 clearly shows that 7 holes are not supposed to be dimpled. When you look closely, there are dashed lines which line up the ends of the battery box. Then there is one extra rivet.

My only concern was that at some point in the plans something else was riveted to that extra hole.

So, now I know that I should just dimple and counter sink that extra hole.
I ran into the same thing with the newly revised plans. I dimpled and countersunk everything except the 6 holes for the battery box. Everything went together well.
Cowl hinge

Also Scott the measurements on pg 29-07 in regard to drilling pilot hole 3 21/32 in on side cowl hinge has not been amended.
I believe the consensus is that it is a 1/4 in out
Also Scott the measurements on pg 29-07 in regard to drilling pilot hole 3 21/32 in on side cowl hinge has not been amended.
I believe the consensus is that it is a 1/4 in out

The cause of the error has been discovered and will be corrected in the next revision cycle.