
Well Known Member
I am kit # 21952 a 6 fuse with a 7 firewall, I have dwg 19 rv7,9 and I see penetrations a b c and d on the prints, and their locations, I have the locations marked on the firewall and have checked 3 times to confirm. may I trust that all the locations for these holes is good to go or has anybody done something different, and I am going with a carb set up as this is my first build.
I have a O-360 RV-6A with the -7 firewall. don't have the plans in front of me to verify the b, c,& d values. However, I found the penetrations for the throttle, mixture, and cabin heat to be accurate per the plans.

That said, I had problems with the plans location for the firewall-mounted fuel-pump. The location placed the fuel-pump mounting bolt directly in line with the engine mount tube, preventing installation of the bolt. I ended up having to remove one of the nutplates and install the bolt from the front with a nut on the pump side. So pump maintenance is now a two-person job.

If you have the engine mount, I would check for clearance with the fuel pump mounting. If you don't have the mount yet, let me know and I can take some measurements to help. It may vary on the tail vs nose wheel mounts as well.
firewall stuff

I am looking for a mount and a motor, I have a deal coming together for the motor and I have contacted vans for mount and legs and have not committed to buying the mount from them as I know someone here will have a mount and legs come up for sale. I don't care if the mount is dynafocal 1 or 2, I figure which ever mount happens to come up for sale will be the direction I go... fun.