
I have several questions that i have searched for answers in the archives and have not found what i want to know. I am building an RV8 with the 0360-A1A carbed engine and CS prop. I do not have my firewall forward kit or drawing #60 yet. I would like to know if those of you that followed the plans are happy with the called out throttle,prop,mixture penetration locations shown on drawing #21. And also would like to know if the specified vernier cable lengths worked out well. I am going to order and install these shortly. The only thing i am doing different from the plans is that i used the deluxe throttle quadrant and moved it inboard and aft 1/2" which i cannot see making much difference. Second question since i do not have drawing #60 can someone tell me where vans shows the fuel line penetrating the firewall and did this location work out conveiniently for the routing to the engine driven mech fuel pump. I am not going to put the gascolator there, i will simply install a bulkhead fitting there as my gascolator and elec boost pump will be in the left wing root. Last question, I saw on one post that vans now prepunches the firewall for these items and the cabin heat inlet. I am curious to know where the cabin heat penetration is if someone can tell me that. Thanks, Tony
westwinds said:
I am not going to put the gascolator there, i will simply install a bulkhead fitting there as my gascolator and elec boost pump will be in the left wing root.

Sorry for deviating from your original question, but I was wondering what your reasoning is around putting the pump on the left wing.

One of the items on the landing checklist of every low wing plane I've flown is "boost pump on". If you put the boost pump in the left wing are you not limiting yourself to landing on the left tank? I also use the boost pump when switching tanks, how are you going to accomplish switching from left to rigth with the pump only on the left? Sounds to me (I've been known to be wrong) like you may be creating some fuel starvation scenarios for yourself here.

I'd be interested in your perspective.
Jorge, The fuel will still be routed to the selector valve the same way as the plans show. Then the line out of the valve will go to the wing root and into the gascolator. Then directly into the Facet pump also in the wing root. Then the line will head back inside to go forward. I think this is as good or better than the stock system as it puts the gascolator at a lower point in the system and allows filtering before the Facet pump to keep debris out of that pump. I think the Vans setup will have difficulty in preflight draining the gascolator on the firewall. Also keeps a few fittings out of the cabin. I may put the Fuel flow tranducer where the Facet pump typically mounts on the left side in the cabin. This will give a nice 6" or more straight shot in or out of it hopefully for accurate flow readings. Not a good location for service tho. It might be better on the firewall for that reason. I have also found out that there is another model of the flowscan transducer available that has less pressure drop across it and it will work with the Dynon EMS i plan to use. Not a big deal, but why not take advantage of it. My goal is to only have a short section of steel line exposed on the firewall to get to the primer solenoid and then firesleeved line to the engine pump. It gets cold here in the winter and i think i should have a primer for easier starting. I am based at GWS in CO. I am also trying to limit the possibilty of vapor locking during hot weather. I am going to mock this up to see how the maintenance access will be to service both the gascolator and the facet pump. It will be tight, but i think should fit fine. I am interested to hear any comments from you or anyone else about this plan. Tony
On your -8, the individual wing drains should be the low spot of your fuel system as they are on my -6. I am at the same stage as you on my -8A and this weekend will be mounting my gasolator. It will be on the firewall as it is on my -6. I have (and will have the same on the -8) a carb O-360, a four inch pipe will exit out of the gasolator into the fuel transducer then fire sleeved hose to the fuel pump. My primer line comes out of the top of the gasolator. I have had no maintenance issues with this set up. i haven't engineered a statisfactory way to drain the gasolator on the -8A yet but it is a must on the "A". I don't claim that this is the best set up but has served me well on the -6 with NO vapor lock issues in the heat.

As far as the positioning of the fuel line, My plans show the fuel line exiting the the fuel pump and then after a 45 deg bend going straight to the firewall.
No dimension given (am i missing something?). I am very leery about drilling the Van's suggested holes for the control cables until I have the engine and
brackets mounted. The throttle is in my mind the most critical. For the Mixture and the Prop, I plan to use cables with wire ends on the engine side of the firewall with a Wire Grip (spruce p/n 05-16001) for the prop and a Cable End "B" Nut (spruce p/n 05-16230) for the mixture. The cables with wire ends can be cut to length. This set up has worked great on my -6.
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Has anyone out there with the 0360-A1A carbed engine been unhappy with the Vans firewall penetration locations for the throttle,prop or mixture? Tony
westwinds said:
Has anyone out there with the 0360-A1A carbed engine been unhappy with the Vans firewall penetration locations for the throttle,prop or mixture? Tony

Mine worked perfect using the plan locations Tony.
