
Well Known Member
Hi all,

I'm scratching my head on the fuel lines installation. I'm trying to find out where the firewall penetration point should be in my case. I will install a IO360 fuel injected superior engine and I have purchased the andair fuel pump and andair firewall penetration fitting. Unfortunatly it comes with little documentation.

Should I use the same location. I saw a copy of OP32 io360 fuel system for rv7 but I have the fuel pump in the cabin and not firewall fwd side.
I'm wondering if I need the firewall doubler if I use the andair BH375 bulkhead passthrough.
and if the location of the passthrough remains the same.

gr from Belgium
Juergen----OP32 works dimension wise for any injection boost pump located in the center floor area of the 7s and 9s. The firewall penetration dimensions are in the upper right corner of OP32. Only difference with the Andair pump is the length of the line (tubing or hose) and its configuration fromt he pump to the firewall bulkhead fitting. AN833-6 in this case.

thanks for the answer. I'll stick with the location from vans then.

Just wondering if I still need the stiffener plate if I use the andair bulkhead fitting for firewall passthrough. looks like there's not that much thread on that fitting and adding a 063 doubler sheet might be too much for it.
The Andair fitting isnt thick like a real bulkhead fitting. So if there were a doubler, it would be thin. Also would need to use a AN822-6D on the cabin side---no big deal on that. Stainless doubler would be strong, and thin.
Some of the airframes guys can chime in on that.

Before you drill the fuel line hole in the firewall it’s good to understand some of the other parts that interact by being near the fuel line. I used the standard location as called out by Van’s for IO-360 and it seemed to work ok so far. There is however an issue with the placement of the contractors as called out by Van’s.

Some have adjusted the position of the fuel line hole slightly because it is very close to one of the contactor terminals. I think BruceH did. Take a look at his website at www.overthehills.com.

I moved the contractors closer together slightly so the contactor wouldn’t hit the fuel line doubler.

If I can figure out how to post a pic I’ll add it here.
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Before you drill the fuel line hole in the firewall it’s good to understand some of the other parts that interact by being near the fuel line. I used the standard location as called out by Van’s for IO-360 and it seemed to work ok so far. There is however an issue with the placement of the contractors as called out by Van’s.

Some have adjusted the position of the fuel line hole slightly because it is very close to one of the contactor terminals. I think BruceH did. Take a look at his website at www.overthehills.com.

I moved the contractors closer together slightly.


Here is a pic. At this point my fuse was still upside down.
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