
Well Known Member

I wanted to determine if the firewall hole locations for the engine controls on the plans are accurate for an IO-360 with Bendix (Silverhawk) fuel injection. I noticed on the plans the IO mixture cable control hole is far away from the carbureted mixture cable control hole. Seeing this made me want to check in with the Forum for confirmation of locations.

In addition, doesn't Van's cable mounting bracket work correctly with the same Bendix Siverhawk fuel injection.

I am building an RV-7A with a Superior XP-IO-360. I would like to cut the control cable holes before the engine is installed if possible.

Any help would be appreciated.

RV-7A finishing kit

I would recommend waiting until the engine is hung but without all the accessories on the firewall. You can easily get the hole puncher in there for eyeball fittings for these cables. This is a lot easier than patching a misaligned hole after the engine is on!!!! I did all my pass throughs with the engine on and it wasn't bad at all. I wanted to insure exact alignment.

Part two. Sit in the plane and look at the stock location for the T/M/P. You might want to consider sliding things over to the right to give you solid right leg clearance. I've pointed this out to a couple of taller builders and they moved things to a more comfortable location.
Ditto...just put the engine on and eye ball it (pun intended).

When you see the angle between the mixture and throttle arms and the attach bracket it becomes a little more clear which direction you need to go. It isn't critical. There's room for play there. Just make sure you're clearing the engine mount and exhaust hangers and you're good to go.
One of the very few poor areas of the plans and instructions.

They don't differentiate between the carburetted engine and the parallel valve injected and angle valve injected engine. If it says fuel injected on the plans, they mean the angle valve engine - not the parallel valve.

We did as others have, hang the engine, sight the routings and then cut the holes, they aren't close to the print !

QB7, TMX IO-360.
mike newall said:
They don't differentiate between the carburetted engine and the parallel valve injected and angle valve injected engine. If it says fuel injected on the plans, they mean the angle valve engine - not the parallel valve.
Uhoh, I just drilled three big eyeball holes for the cables on my TMX IO-360, using the fuel injected hole locations shown on the plans. Does your engine have vertical or horizontal induction? Mine is an IO-360-M1B (horizontal draft, parallel valve) so I was hoping that the cable locations for the IO-360-A1B (horizontal draft, angle valve) would work for me too. Here's hoping I don't have to patch over three big holes... yuck!
