
Well Known Member
I'm running out of parts in the fus kit (emp and wings are basically done) so I guess it's about time to order the finish kit. Additionally I am curious about how the group feels about the Van's "Firewall Fwd" kit. It seems easier than scrounging all the separate bits on my own. What do you think?


welcome to the VAF forums! you've come across a great and very helpful group!!

having not been to the FWF yet, i can't say first hand, but from what I hear, the Van's FWF doesn't get many complaints, what engine are you planning to use?
I would buy it again

Almost everything is there. If you do homework you can delete some items for aftermarket ones. If there is still something left unused you can return it to Vans within two years for credits. Buy it. Worth.

I deleted the vett exhaust, to save $1000, will order direct and save a few bucks when really needed. I dropped the motor mounts and ordered LORD mounts which many here tell me are worth every penny extra. I was going to upgrade to the plane power alt instead of the denso but apparently Vans already upgraded their standard to plane power. All else is good to go. ymmv
Same as Rick

I subtracted the same stuff as Rick and have been happy so far.

If I had it to do over I would have swapped out the aluminum heat vent for the stainless steel for $20 additional.
1st time

I was a first time builder and very intimidated by the FWF part of the project. Even though I didn't end up using 100% of the FWF kit, the plans and instructions helped make the FWF process understandable, straight forward and at least for me a real sense of accomplishment. I would without a doubt go with the Vans FWF kit. If the plane power alt is now a part of that kit, even better. IMHO.