
Well Known Member
How have you managed to stiffen up the upper right hand side of the firewall near the baggage door? I am working on my door now, but the firewall continues to be a moving target. I have already riveted in my .063 cam loc strip around the perimeter of the firewall which didn't help much...
How have you managed to stiffen up the upper right hand side of the firewall near the baggage door? I am working on my door now, but the firewall continues to be a moving target..... Don
IMHO, I would not complete the baggage door assembly without the cowling in place. With the cowling firmly attached, that part of the structure becomes fairly secure. You can read more about my madcap experience with the baggage door here.

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You can stiffen it a lot with a formed rib or two on the engine side of the firewall.