Well Known Member
Before I trash some perfectly good material.....

I'm dimpling the firewall, and countersinking the bracing pieces that mate to it. Dumpling is pretty straightforward, and so is countersinking. So far in the project I have done what section 5 says for a countersink. Flush plus 7 stops. But in this setting flush plus 7 stops doesn't seem to get the work flush when the countersunk piece is mated to the dimpled firewall. I swear that when I hold the assembly up to the light I can see light between the flat firewall and the countersunk brace. These are #30 holes, dimples and c/s.

How deep have yall countersunk in this location? Am I over thinking it and the back rivet of the firewall to the brace brings them together?

And on a side note - why is all of this dimpled anyway? It is under the cowling isn't it? Is it so that it CAN be back riveted and better joined up? Because a squeezer would get a lot of the dimpling done easier than back riveting....
I found it worked fine JDA. When you drill then dimple the hole widens so it must shrink back in a bit during the riveting process allowing the materials to mate properly.
The battery box was the challenge for me and if I had my time over I would have made a back plate for the shop ends. Stainless deforms real easy.
There is a thread here about the challenges that you may have already read.
Good luck.