Jim Wright

Well Known Member
I was just reading about fire extinguishers in the August '08 issue of Kitplanes magazine. Have any of the RV members installed Halon extinguishers in their RV's? Would like to hear your comments. Thanks,
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There have been a number of threads about Halon, here is one, you can find others by doing a little searching.

Cliff notes version, Halon works, but it is best in a closed space. No residue, no cleanup. Pretty much outlawed (new production, IIRC) due to ozone issues. Not too good to breathe.

Good luck.

Would I carry one----Yes.

BTY, 37 years in the fire service.
Fire Extinguisher

I'm also looking at fire suppression options and had a good discussion with my neighbor regarding Halon fire suppression. He's currently using a 20lb Halon system with two nozzles (one for driver, one for engine) in his dragster.

He recently experienced an engine fire at 170+ mph...got the car stopped and used the Halon to put the fire out. However, he felt the Halon dissipated too quickly in the wind/at speed...nobody hurt, but he felt it was only because safety crews were on scene in seconds with more extinguishers.

He's decided to switch to aqueous foam. Unfortunately, aqueous foam has both high and low temp limitations (not to mention what it would do to avionics)-not good for aircraft.

Still looking for the best option...small handheld extinguisher may be the best solution for the weight.
