
Well Known Member
I just got my finishing kit and am trying to figure out how long it's going to take me to get to the point I need an engine. I've searched the archives and did a google search, but haven't reached a conclusion. I ordered my engine at the end of June to take advantage of the old price and I put down December delivery. Lycoming contacted me to verify and said that they can move it around a bit and are trying to work with people to get it scheduled.

I've got a few small things to do first, then Airventure, so figure Aug1 as a rough start on the finish kit. Any suggestions as to a good delivery date?

I got the same call from Lycoming yesterday. It sounds like I’m at about the same place in the build that you are. Expecting my finishing kit to ship about August 1st. I have been told that my my quick build wings should be crated late this year or early next year, so I told Lycoming that I thought mid year next year (2022) would probably be okay for me. I really don’t want a new engine sitting around waiting on me to complete the finishing kit or wings.
You need the engine hung to do the cowl, beyond that I can't think of anything off hand that requires the engine.

Nothing wrong with the engine just being stored in a safe, air conditioned space. It's will be preserved from the factory.
You need the engine hung to do the cowl, beyond that I can't think of anything off hand that requires the engine.

Nothing wrong with the engine just being stored in a safe, air conditioned space. It's will be preserved from the factory.

Thanks! That's what I kind of thought, but it's nice to get verification. My goal is to get the plexi all done in August/Sept while it is still nice and warm here.
(off topic) Jeff I am flying into 3CK on the 24th to visit a friend in Algonquin on my way to OSH on the 25th. PM me if you are around and want to see my -14.
(on topic) Make sure you tell Lycoming to do the "long term" storage vs short term as they are different.
You can't do any work on the cowl and not much FWF without an engine. As long s the engine comes fogged for L/T storage, I would get the engine at the first available date. No significant downside

It took me essentially the entire year 2019 to build the canopy. I wouldn't want to put the plane on its landing gear until the canopy is done. It was easy to work on with the plane sitting on its belly. When the canopy is about done would be a convenient time to take delivery of the engine, although I agree that there's no harm in getting it sooner.
I called Lycoming. They said the engine can sit in the box for up to 1 year. However they will only warrant against rust for 6 month. Might not be an issue but I am not nearly as far as you guys so I deceived not to run the risk on that. It was pretty much the same answer I got from VANs.
(off topic) Jeff I am flying into 3CK on the 24th to visit a friend in Algonquin on my way to OSH on the 25th. PM me if you are around and want to see my -14.
(on topic) Make sure you tell Lycoming to do the "long term" storage vs short term as they are different.

I appreciate everyone's comments. Looks like I'll see if I can get it bumped up on the schedule a bit.

Chris, I would like to come and check out your bird, I'm about 3 miles from the airport to the WSW. I'll pm you with my contact info. Your always welcome to stop in for a post flight beverage as well.