
Active Member
So I turn the page on the power plant install plans and discover there are no more pages. I'm now looking at a "finished" airplane thinking, what's next?
The RV4 & 6 builders are probably rolling their eyes but for a twelve builder that has been coached through the project with near perfect plans, I'm wishing there were a few more pages to get to start-up and first flight.

In the meantime I'm reading download instructions, POH, Rotax manuals and still confused as to the paperwork needed from Vans, certification with the FISDO guy and the like.

Anyone aware of a checklist out there to get me from here to there?
Yes, there is a document called ?production acceptance procedures? it?s in the download section for the RV12 on the vans website
Not seeing it on the new Vans website. Comes up Not Found when I found the file in Google and redirected to Vans.