
Active Member
Hi All,

Just thought i'd put up a quick note totell everyone that I have finally finished my PPL. First 40 or so hours were done in a Citabria with the remainder of the nav training done in a Cessna 182T - so I get a tailwheel endorsement straight away and a CSU endorsement as well (In Oz you need an endorsement for CS props)

Not sure what i'm going to do next - I think ill keep practising flying the Citabria until i'm ready to try something a bit quicker (maybe a Pitts ;) )


PS - now i've spent $15k or so the private license a part of me is telling me I should just go CPL and get a job in aviation to pay it all back... (currently work in IT)
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Congrats mate!

It's a good day when you can kill two birds with one stone. The TD endorsement will serve you well.
Way to go

Great to hear.
Glad you followed through. It always surprises me at the club how many folks solo, and how few follow it all the way through to get er DONE.
Guess its like building an rv and everything just gets in the way.
Carry your head high, being a pilot is pretty darn cool. Enjoy your achievement.
Congrats but don't quit your day job until you find out how little some(most) aviation jobs pay!
That is great news!

As for switching from IT to flying. I've been in IT for more than 20 years now and had I know what I know now...

Great job! Even if you decide not to pursue a career as a pilot, stay current. I went back to flying after 13 years away from it, and it was almost like starting from scratch in some ways. Fly at least once a month.

Speaking of firsts, I had my first aerbatic instruction yesterday (in a Grob 115C). Aileron rolls... cool!!
Nice Going!

Don't forget that Instrument ticket along the way, it will assist you in being the most proficient pilot........
Thanks for the kind words guys, i'm loving the tailwheel stuff...

Will have to see where it all leads to....
