
Well Known Member
My fuse kit shipped last May and shipping total to the ABF terminal was less than $300. When I called Vans last week they said my finish kit would ship this week via ABF. It turns out they shipped it yesterday via Fedex. I got a call this morning from Fedex and they told me the shipping charges are over $800 ! :mad:

Is this out of the norm? Did Fedex not apply the Vans discount? I'm a little upset they didn't ship how they said they would, and I can't help but wonder if the shipping would have been far cheaper with ABF.
Shipping for the finish kit is more expensive because of the plexiglas canopy.
My finish kit was shipped with ABF, which cost me around $300 as I recall (just over a year ago). But I'm in California. Shipping to Ohio would be more expensive due to greater distance. I'm not sure if the distance accounts for all the difference in your cost, or if it's an issue of ABF vs. Fedex. If I were you I would call Van's and ask them about it.
I expected the shipping to be a bit higher, but not 3X as much. Has anyone else had the finish kit cost 3x as much to ship as the SB fuse kit?

I'll probably give Van's a call this afternoon. I thought I'd get some feedback from the community before I do. If this is normal then I'll just have to live with it. Things cost what they cost.
I expected the shipping to be a bit higher, but not 3X as much. Has anyone else had the finish kit cost 3x as much to ship as the SB fuse kit?

I'll probably give Van's a call this afternoon. I thought I'd get some feedback from the community before I do. If this is normal then I'll just have to live with it. Things cost what they cost.
It is normal. :mad: I discussed this issue in a previous post:

Short version: For purposes of shipping, in my case ABF, the contents of the wing and fuselage sub kits are declared "Bar Stock" and the finish kit declared as "Plastic."
I just got my Fuselage AND finish kt via ABF and the total for BOTH kits to Kentucky was 540 bucks. If they told you ABF and they shipped it another way, I would insist on an explanation AND a reimbursement( good luck)
ABF and BAX global quoted less than Tony through Vans.
Both crates arrived in great shape.
I cancelled Partains ship order weeks before it was due, and have YET to get by deposit back from him. It has been over a month.
Al - You got a deal

Last summer when I was trying to get my finishing kit from Vans, ABF was more expensive than Tony was - fuel prices where coming down. I paid $150 more than you to get just the finishing kit and I live outside of Louisville. I used Tony because he was less expensive (and the TLC care given). ABF must of classified your contents in the finishing kit as something less than what Rick described earlier.
Thanks for the input. It looks like my cost is in line with most everyone else's. I know Vans does their best to look out for us, and I'm guessing at time of shipping Fedex quoted the best price. It was just a shock. So, anyone waiting on a finish kit, be prepared for a much higher shipping charge than on your fuse kit.
Partain for other reasons

Just yesterday I ordered my 7 finish kit. I have Partain delivering it for a few reasons. First and foremost, you KNOW that his drivers will take care of your precious cargo like no one else. Second, he is USUALLY cheaper than ABF. Third, Tony is a repeat offender of RV building himself. He is one of US. Fourth, If we don't use ABF, they will still be in business next year. If we don't use Partain, he MAY not be as business is slow because of the economy and we need to help out the small businesses of the great USA, especially people in the RV brotherhood! ABF delivered my S/B fuselage kit 16 months ago and did a great job. Yes, it will cost double what I paid for that to get the finish kit here, but that is expected. Just think about it and make your own decision. Off the soapbox now. :D
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Go with Tony and you won't go wrong.

ABF trashed my wing and fuse kits... Will never use them again for anything!

Tony was the least expensive at the time for my finish kit.

Lots of factors go into your shipping costs so it is hard to nail it down with individual prices people are paying.

I would say that at this time to your location $800 is about average for a finish kit.

Should I consider Partain's for the finish kit? Are they cheaper than ABF?

Yes we are currently 10% cheaper than ABF.

He is one of US. Forth, If we don't use ABF, they will still be in business next year. If we don't use Partain, he MAY not be as business is slow because of the economy

This is a true statement. I have laid off half of my guys. My main concern is saving the rest of my drivers. The ones that I have left are the best of the best. I'm hoping that the RV community will step up and keep us going. We are now hauling standard build kits to try to off set the down turn in quick builds. So please use us and we will save you 10% over the other guys.
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I'm hoping that the RV community will step up and keep us going. We are now hauling standard build kits to try to off set the down turn in quick builds. So please use us and we will save you 10% over the other guys.

I hope Doug will put this front and center on tomorrow's Home page. BTW, Tony's guys do a great job of delivering F-1 kits as well.
I did not mean to slight Tony AT ALL.
He does a great Job, and you get what you pay for. I recommend him