Mark L

I'm in the process or ordering my Finish Kit for a -7A. Just want to make sure I have it correct. My probable engine and set up will be a TMX IO-360-M1B, parrellel valve, horizontal induction, Airflow peformance fuel injected. The mount style is a Dynafocal I (Is that correct?). The cowl will be the smooth bottom cowl (What is the part number for that cowl?). I have read that some have questioned which snorkel is correct a VA-132 or VA-132-1? Anyone with this combination; any major or minor confounding challenges with fitting, interference issues? Interference with control routing? Is the snorkel going to have to be modified or reworked? What exhaust configuration is typically being used here? Any answers or comments welcome.
I would talk to Mattituck about any possible differences between their M1B and the standard Lycoming M1B that Van's sells. They are probably minor at best. My Van's Lyc came with the Precision Airmotive Silverhawk fuel injection. If your Mattituck uses the same one, the snorkel ( I assume you are reffering to the fiberglass piece that runs from air filter to the FI unit) would probably fit. Mattituck would know which mount as well.

I also got Van's fwf kit, and it has been well worth it to me. Everything so far seems to be of good quality, and has been engineered to fit. Holes in the fw are all laid out, cables the correct length, etc. I can't imagine having to special order all that stuff, not as a 1st time builder anyway. It is definitely saving me time that I would rather spend by having my plane flying sooner rather than later.
similar set-up

Superior XP-IO360 w/ AFP, smooth cowl, horiz induction etc.
Snorkel will have to be reworked for the AFP set-up. Pretty easy to do. Cut at mid point, attach half to baffle, half to metering body then fix middle. I didn't use vans cables or bellcrank. I found a way to go straight through the firewall and direct to the metering body. Had to modify throttle and mix arms a bit. Works perfectly so far! Vetterman 4 into 2 exhaust from vans. Fit perfectly the first time.
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TMX-IO-360-M1B and AFP FI

Thanks for the intro, Charlie! ;)

Hi Mark,

The changes I've done so far are:

- I had the mixture throw reversed on the AFP FI. This allowed me to use the standard mixture cable from Van's for this engine setup. I also had to use a 2" extension from ACS (P/N 10376-2).

- I used an extra VA-173-PC from Van's. This allowed me to run the throttle and mixture cables right next to each other through the firewall and under the engine. If you decide to go this route, get that 2nd hole drilled through the firewall _before_ the engines in place. Otherwise might have to visit Doug's Wife for some Yoga lessons. ;)

- I also used the standard FI throttle cable from Van's for this engine setup.

- I swapped out the throttle arm for a straight version. It's also a tad bit shorter than what came originally on the FI unit and that works out great.

If it's not too late, talk to Mattituck and AFP so that the appropriate mods to the FI can be done (mixture throw and straight throttle arm) so that you hopefully don't have to pay $$ to make the changes afterwards.

Good luck,