
Well Known Member
I've been working now on my RV-9A for five years. My wife retired a while back and my garage work therapy has changed drastically.

Since her former day job was quite a distance away, she usually got home around 7 pm. My job is only 5 miles away, which allowed me to get home by 5 pm. This gave me the opportunity to do RV therapy at lunch and for 2 hours each work day. Weekends were always dedicated to family stuff. "If momma ain't happy", well, you know the rest.

But now I'm having difficulty finding RV building time, trying to avoid "the look" from my wife and son. Today, just for grins, I got up at 5 am as was able to put in almost 3 hours of uninterupted work! Hey, I think I've discovered something!! This means I can work now 7 days a week, without dirty looks! How bout' yous guys?
Hello Smitty.

Sound like you need to find your wife another job.
Not only will you have more building time, but the extra money can be used to buy parts.:)

I'm not an early riser so my therapy sessions are from 9ish-11ish pm after the boy goes to bed. The wife works nights so she's not there to give me any stink eyes.
I get home about 1.5 hours before my wife on weekdays and am usually able to get in 2 hours of work before I start to feel guilty. I work only half-days on Friday (modified 9/80 week), so I can usually get at least 5 hours or more in on Friday. Depending on our plans, either Saturday or Sunday is dedicated to working on the plane.

See if your job will let you work a 9/80 or 4/10. That will give you a full day every other week, or even every week with the 4/10.
I said something to her one day about getting another job. I'm still paying for that one.... Did I mention she's a former New Yorker???
New Yorkers only become 'former' when they die...

Still, it sounds like you need to address the angst. Are there things she wants you to do that you aren't? If you are neglecting the 'honey-dos' then I can see why she might be unhappy. On the other hand, it may be that she has not adjusted to her new schedule and resents yours a bit. I found that, in order to enjoy my free time, I had to actively press my wife to her hobbies. She's frugal by nature and would stay home and resent the time (and money) I spent on my hobby. Once I got her actually out and enjoying her time she lightened up about my plane. And once it was flying and she could go along, she really changed her tune.

Another thing that might help is to invite her to participate. Don't force it, but a little familiarity can help turn it from 'your **** toy' to 'our project'. Anyway, good luck.
In going over our household "To Do" list on a recent weekend, Louise looked up and said "but when are we going to find time to go out and work on my -3?"

I know, I have it rough....;)
I get up at 6, work from my home office for an hour, take a RV construction break for 5 or 6 hours, then go to my "real" job from 3-8pm. Makes for long days. I managed about 140 hours on my Fuse kit since I got it on 9/8/09 I finished riveting side skins today and will start the aft deck tomorrow. Oh yeah, I also, have to do flight instruction a couple times a week. Thank God for an understanding wife. I keep tellin her "we're flying off into the sunset when I am done". Chicks dig that kind of thing.

Smitty, you gotta get going because I need to look at your site so I know what to do next. I am going to pass you up if you slow down.

Winter is coming here to Wisconsin pretty soon, so maybe you can get ahead Dec- Mar?
Yep, I've learned about them there browny-points. Those honey-dos can get you in good standing again. Have you guys noticed that there is an invisible chart graph in hour home? It usually ranges from "scum-bag" to "can-do-no-wrong" hubby. By simply looking at your wife's face and detecting the general feeling in the air, you can tell where you are on the scale.

We have 2 pictures in our bathroom. One has a big Rooster in it, saying "I rule the roost!". The other picture has a hen sitting on a nest, saying "I rule the rooster!".
A sign in my bathroom.. the hangar reads.."Some days you're the statue and some days you're the pigeon":)

'bout right.
Oooh, we got somethin' going here:

"Sometimes you're the dead blow hammer, sometimes you're the C-Frame dimpler".
Every Seven weeks

I'm VERY fortunate when it comes to building time. I work at a remote site, so for every seven weeks I work on site, I get two weeks off. I plan on working 10-12 hours a day during those two weeks. I'll start my build right after Thanksgiving. Being single with no kids doesn't hurt either.
Hi Smitty

I also have a look on your web site almost everyday so please work on your plane !... :D
I started my RV9A building last year in september, I think I will be able to finish the wings at the end of this year. I did order fuselage and finishing to Barbara at Van's a few days ago.
I am able to work about 50 hours each month (more or less).
I am working in my job morning or afternoon, sometime at night, sometime during week ends so I have time enough to work on the plane a few hours everyday.
This aircraft is my second experience in building an aircraft, I builded a wooden aircraft during seven years since 93 till 2000.
When I builded my first aircraft I have done this in the south ouest of France in a place where it was possible to build with other builders, large place and a lot of tools. So at this time I spended there a week every four months and also some work at home. My wife was coming with me sometime and the most important for her was to know who is working with me. No woman, no problem !
When the aircraft construction has been completed she asked me what am I planning to do now, she was afraid me to fly with my new aircraft.
After 9 years and around 600 hours flying she knows that I can build and fly with my home build aircraft.
Last year we met some friends coming from Switzerland to Paris with a RV7.
When she saw the RV, she felled in love with this aircraft type. So she was no surprised when I told her I want to build an RV.
I said : this time I want to buid at home. She has been happy because that is something like a new home life. Our son went by himself a few years ago and our daughter is at home part time and we are not yet grandpa and grandma so home life is quite.
When she comes back from work, I try to stay with her, get a drink and speak. I try to be thoughtful.
Also she had very big health problems a few years ago. At this time I helped her to go through and she knows that my aircrafts spare time is my prozac.
After almost 30 years living together we know enough to understand each other.
So take care to your wife, speak with here and spend time with here.
Like that we will enjoy, Smitty your great website. ;)
Friendly, Philippe.
Me too...

Getting up at 5am - ish has been my M.O. since day one. I do the same on the weekends, but most of the time on weekends is dedicated to family. Has worked pretty good for me the last 3 yrs.