Hi Pete....

....Have you even tried your local banker? Mine holds the paper on my hangar and the Air Tractor....has for years and it's very easy being local and so on.

Contrary to what the pundits are always spewing for rhetoric on the television, Banks are still loaning out money to qualified people (strange notion, huh?).

Anyway, I know that to be a fact because we've received a number of checks for avionics in the past number of months from banks for peoples projects. Some big, some small but still it's borrowed money. Some of my customers have the money tied up on the market and don't want to liquidate at this time, so they borrow against it hedging that the potential gains in the market will offset the interest on the loan, or some do it for tax reasons, so on and so forth.

Anyway, I know that Nafco, PilotBank, Pryor and a few regional/local banks are still issuing loans on projects....if you're fiscally responsible and qualified.
