
I'm New Here
Hi everybody,
I took the first step today. I ordered the tail and wing kits for my RV-8. I have been following this web site for several years now but was never in a position to make anything happen. That has changed and I am no longer going to sit and wonder. I have enjoyed learning from others and I look forward to smashing rivets.
Way to go!

It's a great project and you will love flying the 8. I live down in Laguna Niguel, so if you ever need a hand shoot me an email. Just finished my 9A and had the first flight last weekend. These are amazing flying machines. I can't wait to get back to the airport to take her up again.

Good Luck, have fun, don't stress when you make your first little boo boo. Build on.
Congrats!!! You're in for a steep learning curve but this site will answer all of your questions.

The common advice given, but often not followed, is do SOMETHING for the build everyday. I also firmly believe in GOOD tools...even if you buy them used. Take the time now to set up your shop because you won't find the time later.


Welcome to the "madness" Al :D It is a close-knit family here - and you are in good hands. Once you get your shop set up and your Empennage/Wing kit arrives - find a builder (or many) on the builder log sites that is slightly ahead of you. It is sometimes helpful to follow the logic and see pictures of your next steps - before actually doing the steps you are reading about in the builder's manual. You have embarked on quite a journey, so enjoy the ups and the downs! :) Welcome to the club!
Next Step, Inventory

Its a very happy day in Irvine CA, at least for me. I was at the FedEx center this morning at 0800 and took delivery of my empennage kit. I will be delivering to the factory tomorrow morning and let the building begin.:D:cool:
Me too...

Another Irvine-ite checking in. There are several builders in the Irvine/Foothill Ranch/Laguna Niguel/Mission Viejo corridor. It's getting to be a regular RV ghetto, which is just fine. Welcome to the party, and do connect with everyone nearby. You'll need a ready cadre (was that 'Semper Paratus' I read?) to help you...um, drink your beer. Also buck a few thousand rivets and provide endless, conflicting advice.

It's all good. ;)
Finally Driving Rivets

The fun began yesterday. I completed the HS Rear Spar and started on the HS Front Spar. Driving all those rivets with a hand squeezer has left my hands a little sore this morning, but it was well worth it. :) :D
Semper Paratus?

One of my Coastie buddies got injured in a combat zone when he "fell" out of a second-floor window in a less than savory business that, apparently, military members can no longer frequent. We are advised that alcohol and a financial dispute among the negotiating parties were definitely involved.

Anyway, congrats. With you on board we can rest assured the Good Ship VAF won't sink.

Hey Al a belated welcome to the RV-8 brotherhood of the VAF family. Enjoy the build!

Missing In Action

Something happened to my account so I had to re-register. :confused:
Oh well... I finished the Empennage minus the fiberglass and have started on the left wing. Its been fun and I look forward to many more weekends working on my machine. One thing has me "concerned" is the recent notice and discussion about Vertical Power. I guess I will have to wait and see how this all shakes out.