
Well Known Member
I gotta be honest, the wing kit sucks! Feels like I've done nothing but deburr and dimple the past few months. The tail kit was a series of deburr, dimple, build, gratification. Not so much with the wing kit... but yesterday, I finally reached a point of gratification that re-instates that motivation we (those still building) fight to keep alive everyday in the shop.... Got the top skins riveted! :)

Nice Job!

Where's the other one?:D:rolleyes:


Its out of the frame... but isn't skinned yet. :rolleyes: I was building both wings at the same time, but ran short on cleco's (even after buying 200 more) so I put it on hold until I get this one to this point and out of the way into the craddle. I also have a bunch of extra junk from the cherokee we bought, so its cramped on that side of the garage.