
Well Known Member
After three years of flying and giving the ?polish thing? a serious try, I decided to give Sweetheart #3 (after, of course, #1 Long-Suffering Spouse (#1) and #2 Lovely Daughter) a brand new dress for Christmas. The timing with Woodlake Aircraft Refinishing (in Sandwich, IL) worked out perfectly, coinciding with my annual one-month holiday in Florida. Before I say any more, let me thank some very significant people:

1) Friend and fellow VAFer Dave Burden, who gave me permission to copy his gorgeous paint scheme. I knew since he painted his 9A in 2006 that was my all-time favorite paint.
2) Flying buds Tanya and Jack in EAA Chapter 129, who enabled getting the plane to and from Woodlake painters.
3) Last and FAR from the least, huge thanks to Woodlake Aircraft Refinishing ( ). From head honchos Mike Stadfeld and Don Boldan, to specialists Bob and Jason, they did a fantastic job of prepping, caring for, and painting my precious 9A. They exceeded my every expectation throughout the process, and especially with the final product. My biggest concern was actually the re-assembly process, since nobody in the world has turned a wrench on that airplane but me. My concerns were for naught, as Jason, their reassembly specialist, did a flawless job of putting 385TE back together. Every nut, bolt, washer, cotter pin, and rivet was perfectly reinstalled. My detailed inspection at the time of pickup (with a 3 1/2 page checklist ) turned out to be totally unnecessary. Woodlake Aircraft Refinishing is a wonderful resource for RVers in the Midwest ?. Their central location couldn?t be handier.

Seeing her painted is almost as exciting as first engine start and first flight. ....Almost. :eek:)




Very nice Terry. Painting yourself is really time consuming. I envy you guys who got professional paint jobs but I just didn't have the funds. Trying to find out about that first start excitement.
One of the reasons it took me 3 years was $$. after sparing no expense on construction, I was determined to find a way to finish her for less $$ than a pro paint job. Along the way I learned:
a) polishing is an incredible amount of work, even with power buffers. And it's ongoing, recurring work once you see what it takes to keep it looking really good.
b) I'm lousy at painting with a spray gun. I sprayed two-part epoxy primer on all the FB parts and it was a horrible process for me. Zero experience at it. I remain convinced the only way to be a good spray painter is to do a LOT of it. It require LOTS of practice
c) I ran out patience with FG prep and the pinhole dance.
d) after 3 yrs of screwing around, I had the $$ to have her professionally done!!
Nicely Done Terry!

It is really good to see your plane in paint. Is it done now, or do you have more projects? ;)
It's done now..... Well, pretty much done, anyway. I think. :). I'm thinking of an interior mod and a few other details, but nuthin' serious. The next serious change will be the ADSB decision.
Very nice

Way to go Terry, looks really nice can't wait to see it at next chapter meeting.

Dave K
RV7A IO360
tip up
As I looked at your paint job, I told my wife that it sure looks like Dave Burden's paint job. Then I read your comment that stated the same. :) Great job.
What color Red did you use?

Great looking paint job. Love the red. I'm going to paint in 3 weeks and am looking at reds.

Can you send me your red color?

91 hours
Terry its beautiful, I considered the folks in Sandwich, IL but I was concerned on their lead time to complete the project. How long did they have your plane? I now have a deposit with Midwest Aircraft Refinishing located in MN. their work like the job you had completed is meticulous. FAA now has paper work for inspection on my 9A.. Hope to see your bird soon. Meet you at Pilot Pete's anytime.. Mark C. 119RV
Woodlake Aircraft Refinishers completed the paint job in just a hair over 5 weeks, exactly what they told me upfront.
Great to hear you'll be airborne soon! Looking forward to a rendezvous once you're done with your 40 hrs. :D
Woodlake Aircraft Refinishers completed the paint job in just a hair over 5 weeks, exactly what they told me upfront.
Great to hear you'll be airborne soon! Looking forward to a rendezvous once you're done with your 40 hrs. :D

Looks great Terry
What do they charge in round figures
Looking to paint recently finished and purchased 9-A in South Dakota