B. Hoover

Hi, y'all,

Might as well introduce myself... I (we) finally pulled the trigger today after lurking for perhaps a record setting 12 years! I surprised myself and ordered an RV14 instead of the -8 that I have a sweet set of Grove Airfoil Landing gear for in my garage.

I can already credit people here on the forum for guiding me to keep my better half happy and perhaps more engaged in the project.

While I'm technically an Aerospace Engineer with 20 years of military flying and now an Airline pilot, I'm going to rely heavily on the group here for advice and instruction. It should be a fun ride! I've just got to keep telling myself you eat an elephant one bite at a time...
Congrats. Interesting you went for a totally diff design? The 8 is the best design but I'm biased:) Enjoy the journey, I never had the time to build, I'd rather fly those few years that I would have lost my hair and gained multiple ulcers....lolol
We want pictures, lots of pictures.:)
Congratulations from another long term lurker. I just ordered a qb wing kit. We finally are getting started. Good luck to you.
With the name "B. Hoover" you'll certainly turn some heads if you put it on the side of the canopy. :) Welcome!
Ole Yeller

With the name "B. Hoover" you'll certainly turn some heads if you put it on the side of the canopy. :) Welcome!

For the old TOA locals we saw the P51 and the Shrike taxi by but it was R.A. Hoover and in person just plain old Bob.

As for B Hoover, welcome the choice of the 14 to keep the family happy is a good one for great cross country and still a great plane to yank and bank on your own when you want.
All the best on the build,