
Well Known Member
I drug it out too long, two airplanes, lots of solo time and messing around, finally got in a 172 long enough to get comfortable-ish and did my checkride today.

I had zero solo time in a 172...it was all Pa-20 and RV-6...but I learned enough about steering a nose wheel and going slow to get a handshake! ;)

Now, time to go give my girls a ride in the RV!
Congratulations! I'm scheduled to take mine in the next month. Am hoping to find an examiner who will ride along with me in the 6. My kids are getting anxious for their first ride too!
Scott, I have been around planes and right seat flying for years without ever getting my license. Last Friday, I did my second solo. My first was in 1980! Congratulations on getting your checkride done and current again. I hope to have my license by the end of May and finish my 9A by the end of June!!

Congrats on passing your check ride. I was in the same boat last year at
this time. I purchased my 6A in April and then finished my PPL training in a 172
and finally took and passed my Check Ride on 9/26. I really enjoyed the check
ride as not only did I pass, I also received kudos for how well I flew. Enjoy
the license to learn and enjoy the RV!!
I'd say it's a license to learn... but you may have already done a lot of that the hard way. At any rate, good job and I'm heartened to see another PPL in the ranks.

License to learn for sure!

It's really just loosening the reins a bit, spreading out a bit, and next step getting some mountain instruction. Dads got a hi-po 182 so I need to get checked out in that too.

I'm certain I don't even know what I don't know yet! I do feel like my airmanship is good and got compliments on that, but 60hrs in a Pacer and 40 in an RV keep a fella pretty light and quick on the controls.

Honestly the hardest thing about the 172 and the checkride was being patient and not touching anything...it'll get around to it eventually! ��

Happy day regardless!
Congratulations! I am in the final stretch before a check ride. I went offline for six months for work, but am ready to finish. Was it difficult, stressful? I am a little worried about the oral part.

Thanks and Congratulations again!
Stressful yes, but needn't be..

Congratulations! I am in the final stretch before a check ride. I went offline for six months for work, but am ready to finish. Was it difficult, stressful? I am a little worried about the oral part.

Thanks and Congratulations again!

I had a GREAT examiner, who wanted me to succeed. I would not say there were any off the wall questions or gotchas.

My biggest stress was only having 10 or so hours in a 172, and only the same airplane twice. Everything was always in the wrong place and not what I wanted.

That said, I took my time, made a few non-safety mistakes, and it was no worries. I spoke to several examiners who seemed to aim to intimidate me, and settled on a couple that I clicked with. Schedule chose the actual one, but I got a nice attaboy from the other when I told him I was complete...

Don't drag it out any longer, get it done. Time was my other stresser...
I had a GREAT examiner, who wanted me to succeed. I would not say there were any off the wall questions or gotchas.

My biggest stress was only having 10 or so hours in a 172, and only the same airplane twice. Everything was always in the wrong place and not what I wanted.

That said, I took my time, made a few non-safety mistakes, and it was no worries. I spoke to several examiners who seemed to aim to intimidate me, and settled on a couple that I clicked with. Schedule chose the actual one, but I got a nice attaboy from the other when I told him I was complete...

Don't drag it out any longer, get it done. Time was my other stresser...

Thanks Scott for the reply!
I think dragging it out is getting to me. We only have two choices out here for the most part and the one I will most likely use was one of the authors of the new test standards, ACS(?). Very knowledgeable, but intimidating for sure, to me at least.
Thanks again!
When Ann took her check ride, she drew an FAA guy that had a reputation of failing applicants. Several people tried to talk her into going with someone else. Her attitude was, "He isn't going to ask me to do anything I'm not supposed to know how to do!"

She passed with flying colors the first time!
Find the right examiner

Thanks Scott for the reply!
I think dragging it out is getting to me. We only have two choices out here for the most part and the one I will most likely use was one of the authors of the new test standards, ACS(?). Very knowledgeable, but intimidating for sure, to me at least.
Thanks again!

I had my student cert for 13 years and about 300 hours. Probably a bit of a procrastinator but also intimidated by someone judging me.

The examiner that my instructor used was absolutely great. I wasn't tested or quizzed. We just talked and flew. Of coarse I was being quizzed but it didn't feel like it. Ant the practical was just a leisurely flight around the area with a couple maneuvers for fun.

After it was over all I could think was why did I wait so long?
It's all good...

I thought there might be others out there that needed a push or some encouragement!