
Hi everybody, I've been lurching on the sideline while building my workshop longing to start my journy to a new chapter in my flying life, reading with envie how you were getting on with your builds and even more so the nice trip write ups...Well now's the time, I'm going to order wings & tails in the first shipment as I'm in Sweden the number of shippings has to be kept down due to the cost, most effective would have been to order all in one container (don't have that money right now) so the question is what would you guys have ordered with the kit not to stand in the middle of the assembeling asking" why didn't I order that while at it" ?
Congrats on starting a build!

One thing I found super useful is to order a few extra "trim bundles" from Vans. They are extra sheet aluminum pieces, about 4" x 12" in different thicknesses (0.016" to 0.040") and are super useful for practicing, making brackets, fixtures, and fixing mistakes. And, they're relatively cheap.

Not mission critical, but very useful.
How do you eat an elephant, one bite at a time

I would say to decide on pitot tube/airspeed measurement method and hardware. Landing lights if desired for mounting in wing leading edge. A practice kit for you or two if you have someone helping so they can practice two.

The wing tank rivets, they only supply enough to do it right one time, they are pull rivets, so if you are short one or goof one up, then another is along way away and your sealant is curing.

When you goof up, not if but when, then move on and wait until you have several goofs to order replacement parts. :D Never over night anything, there are a number of funny stories on this website about people who thought they had to have the new part the next day.

Have a plan for buying tools. Order many #30 and 40 drill bits with a few longer lengths, 6inches and 12 inches. On the longer ones 3 of each.
Unless you are really good, some "opps" rivets. Head of a #3, shank of an #4 (I forget the MS number, but Vans has them.)
Extra 3/4" angles for the longerons, just in case. I went through a couple extra lengths for arm rest reinforcements, made the seat top out of the thicker angle, brackets ect...

Extra 3/4" angles for the longerons, just in case. I went through a couple extra lengths for arm rest reinforcements, made the seat top out of the thicker angle, brackets ect...

Yes. Since the fuse longerons ship with the wing spars, order two extra. Cheap part but super expensive to ship.