
Dear friends,
I ordered the full RV14A Standard kit yesterday along with the Thunderbolt EXP 119 engine. Need a bit more work and time to decide on the suitable configuration of a G3X IFR Avionics.
For a long time, I was thinking about building a plane myself (probably a bit better than a Cirrus in some aspects) and going around the globe at the least once to satisfy my life's desire and ambition before hanging up my flying pilot's hat.
Being a Professional engineer with hands on experience (mechanically inclined) in different fields in different countries over 40 years, I am thinking of building a nice RV14A and fly to get in to Earth Rounders data base.
To achieve that, I will need all the support I can get from many of you since it is not an easy task to complete. Any suggestion is welcome. Do not hesitate even if it is not a positive one.
Hope to bug many of you once in a while during this long drawn endeavour of mine from concept to completion being only a Private Pilot in Canada since 2012 with limited experience of 360 hrs in total (Cessna and Cirrus) in North America and the Caribbean.
I am feeling extremely happy to join this group since I see a lot of valuable info being shared freely with out any hesitation to help out. I had the same feeling being an EAA member too.
Thanks for having me with you all.
Please let me know how and when to pay the dues since I am fairly new to this Forum
Sreekumar V Nair
Welcome and good luck with the build. Just to note, the engine warranty starts at delivery, not at installation. I don't know how much time you have to devote to the build, but this could be several years and could leave you with no warranty once you fire it up. Same thing for the avionics. In fact, avionics could change a lot in a couple years. Don't feel rushed to get everything at once. Just something to consider.
Good info.
I was thinking of working literally full time to complete it soon. But things don't happen as I wish.
Let me try to move the Engine delivery out by say 6 months or so.
I will also take care of your point while ordering Avionics
Thanks a lot.
Welcome and good luck with the build. Just to note, the engine warranty starts at delivery, not at installation. I don't know how much time you have to devote to the build, but this could be several years and could leave you with no warranty once you fire it up. Same thing for the avionics. In fact, avionics could change a lot in a couple years. Don't feel rushed to get everything at once. Just something to consider.

Per Lycoming’s Thunderbolt sales manager, the warranty on a Thunderbolt engine lasts 2 years after first start as long as first start happens within 2 years of delivery. If first start doesn’t happen within 2 years of delivery, it lasts 2 more years whether it’s started or not.
Hi Miles,
Thanks for the info.
I moved forward the engine delivery by 6 months on Friday. May be I will stick with that for now to hear back from Vans before confirmation.
Good info. Cheers
Sreekumar V Nair
Per Lycoming’s Thunderbolt sales manager, the warranty on a Thunderbolt engine lasts 2 years after first start as long as first start happens within 2 years of delivery. If first start doesn’t happen within 2 years of delivery, it lasts 2 more years whether it’s started or not.

Thanks for the clarification.