
Well Known Member

I was a member a few years back, poked around a bit with intentions of starting an RV8. I came back a few months ago poking around a bit again, made a couple posts. Found a wing and tail kit in the classifieds, it sold; found another wing and tail kit with tools and jumped on it. After working out the details I picked it up Sunday. The tail work is complete (minus the glass) and spar construction on the wing was begun. I've got no experience building planes, but have a buddy who worked at a build shop (and did about 95% of an RV-9). I've got some shop setup to do and a bit of research (practice kit and maybe some classes) before I get started. Thanks Nate for the patience with the purchase.
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Get Started

Andrew...congrats on getting started! I took the EAA sheet metal class a couple of months ago and highly recommend it. My riveting and overall building skills improved verses watching videos on riveting and building two Vans practice kits on my own. Hopefully soon the CEO and CFO says build it; however, she says side by side and I want an 8.

Congratulations and welcome. The fun begins.

Happy wife, happy life. Unhappy wife...fill in the blank
Wife is not really on board yet, I want to finish by the time my youngest is out of the house. The plan is to be able to travel, and have fun while doing it. The idea of a small plane built in the garage scares her some. I've got some time to convince her.
Sport Air workshop!

Congrats on the RV-8 kit purchase! If I was going to build another plane, the -8 would be my choice. I'm building a Glastar for utility (and fun!). But I attended the Sport Air sheet metal workshop and found it to be very helpful. Check out my workshop results here

I also second the "wife" remark, or rather "life and work outside of kit building". It can border obsession! Enjoy the time.

Oh, quick you, I bought mine as an in-progress build. Great way to get a good deal and some pre-work done!
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She is also worried about the obsession of working on it and living in the garage. I restored/built my race car and lived in the garage for a couple years. I am going to try real hard to be patient and involve the family.

She is also worried about the obsession of working on it and living in the garage. I restored/built my race car and lived in the garage for a couple years. I am going to try real hard to be patient and involve the family.

My Sweetie's says, "At least I know where my husband is. Do you know where yours is?" She's amazing. Put up with me for 30 years.
I did the same as you when acquiring a kit. I will pass on some advice I got from a 6A builder. He told me to get a tail kit first to start on because if I screw up something the replacements would be cheaper than the wing components. I am glad I did because he was right on. Just saying. I had a 9A builder mentor me as well when I started on the tail. I still have things on the tail I would like to redo.
My son was 10 when I started my build. A great age to learn the basics of working with tools and shop safety. Yesterday I came home from work and my son now 22 was building a table in my shop. I was very proud to see him wearing safety glasses without me there to suggest that he do so. Get them involved and enjoy the time you spend building your plane together. Some great special times one on one with my son.